Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,261

to us when you’re ready.”

I don’t answer him. Fuck him for saying that. It hurts. I’m already hurting and what he said was only salt in the wound. The only words I can get out are, “you don’t know him.”

The second the door closes, Madam Lynn says, “I was really pissed at Joseph.” She clears her throat, taking the seat in the far corner of the room. The chair is a pale pink, studded nails line the smooth leather. She runs her hands down the edge and it suits her. She looks like she belongs there.

“He’s okay,” I stare at her with wide eyes. “Joseph is.” My body sags with relief. “He called a few hours ago. It’s over with.”

A few hours ago? Her words hit me like a knife to my back.

“I’m sorry about Isaac. He doesn’t know Joseph well.” I can tell she’s trying to change the subject, but I don’t let her.

“Hours?” I ask her. Her expression tells me that she knows how I feel.

“He’s safe. And he knows you’re safe.” I’m quiet as I sit on the edge of the bed. Overwhelmed by so many emotions.

“He’ll come for you. I’m sure he will.” Her eyes are so full of sincerity, that I believe her. I believe that she truly thinks he will.

But her words don’t give me the confidence I need. I want him here now. I want to watch that stupid dot on the phone coming closer and closer to me. Bringing him back to me.

But then I think back to the last look he gave me, and my doubts fall away.

I know what I saw in his eyes. And that wasn’t a lie.

He loves me. And he’s going to come for me.

And if he doesn’t, then I’ll go to him.

Chapter 30


The trunk closes at the foot of my bed with a loud clack. All the memories of my past placed inside. Including my journal. I have no need for it anymore, no desire to write another word.

It’s over.

There’s not a single target on my back with both my father and my brother gone. Zander’s assured me he’ll keep his ear low to the ground. His fingers on the pulse of what’s going on behind closed doors. I’m not sure what he wants from me, he’s yet to ask. I don’t like owing a debt to anyone if I can help it, still I’m grateful.

Because of Lilly.

I want her back. I want her here, in my house and in my bed, just like I did that first night I saw her. She belongs to me now. So any protection I can take, I will. Even if that means making a deal with Zander.

As I grab my keys, they clink off the foyer table. The sound echoes with me as I realized the only reason I’ll be coming home without her is if she doesn’t want me. My hand hesitates on the doorknob, my mind replaying all the moments we’ve had in the past month.

We’ve grown together. I’ve been there for her and she’s been there for me. At least in my mind, that’s what happened. I know these past two weeks, she’s been a prisoner. Unable to go as she pleases. It was for her own safety, her own good. As I close the front door behind me, my body heats I remember her in the cage staring at me with daggers in her eyes.

She could leave me now. She could walk away from me and there’s nothing I can do. I never locked the cage and I never will.

The thought chills me along with the bitter cold February air. I forgot my coat. I don’t give a fuck, I’m not going back. Not until I have her in my arms.

My strides quicken and I hit the clicker to unlock my car. The faint beep beep ringing out in the cold.

I’ll be coming back with my flower. I know I will.

Just as I open my driver door, I see a car coming up the long winding drive. There’s a dusting of snow over the clearing, and as the old, red Honda takes the bend, the car drift slightly.

My heart races in my chest and I drop the keys onto the ground.


She regains control and drives slower up the drive. I swear to God if she kills herself finding her way back to me, I’ll never forgive her.

I leave the keys where they are as small specks of snow float down from the sky and Lilly

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