Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,260

my back to my father.

It’s over now.

And not another body will be put in the ground because of that man. I close the door behind me and leave the way I came.

Chapter 29


I’ve been tossing and turning all night. The back of my eyes is throbbing from a terrible headache, brought on by a lack of sleep. I think I’ve been up for over 24 hours, running on fumes.

I’m in a private room at Club X. The bed I’m lying on, a king-sized plush pillow top mattress, is soft and comfortable. It practically begs me to go to sleep. But I can’t. It’s nice and all, but I prefer my room back at Joseph’s house. Or his room, as long as he’s next to me.

I can’t stop thinking about him. I don’t know if he’s okay, or if he’s even alive.

I swallow thickly as I see the dim light of morning peeking around the luxury curtains and then glance at the phone he left me.

The little dot that tracks his location is in the same spot. It makes me feel sick, like something’s terribly wrong. The fucking dot won’t move. I wish I could talk to someone, Joseph, one of his associates, and be assured that he’s okay. Anyone!

I called his phone at least a dozen times, but he hasn’t answered. I knew he wouldn’t in the beginning, but by now he should’ve.

My throat constricts and I roll over in bed, hating to think about it. Hating time for going so slowly.

Just come back to me.

A knock on the door brings me to my feet faster than I would have thought possible, my heart pounding in my chest.

I’m just at the door when Madame Lynn walks in.

She looks sharp as usual, dressed in a black dress that has ruffles at the bottom and black glossy heals, her hair pulled up into an elegant bun while wispy bangs frame her face. She looks perfectly fine. As though her friend isn’t out killing his father and brother this very second.

Her face is solemn as she steps into the room and stops a few feet away from me.

“I’m here to tell you that you can go home now,” Madame Lynn says softly. “Isaac set up a security system around your townhouse. You don’t need it,” she shakes her head gently, her eyes rolling, “He’s peculiar about safety.”

I part my lips to ask her about Joseph when there’s a knock at the door.

Isaac sticks his head through the doorway, glances between the both of us, and then steps inside the room. Though I’m filled with anxiety, I can’t help but notice the authority Isaac radiates. It reminds me of Joseph. Those chiseled features, the power and ruthlessness behind his eyes.

“It’s done,” Isaac tells Madame Lynn. “I’ve made sure that no one will gain access.”

The look that passes across Madame Lynn’s face as she glances at Isaac is one of extreme gratitude.

“But what about Joseph?” I ask. The hell with my safety, I want to know what’s going on.

Madame Lynn exchanges a glance with Isaac and something seems to silently pass between them. My heart pounds harder in my chest.

I look back and forth between the both of them. “Where is he?” My body trembles with anxiety. Someone tell me something!

Madame Lynn is silent and the look of sadness she throws my way makes my stomach churn.

“Please tell me what’s going on!” I cry.

“You’re better off without him,” Isaac says finally, firmly. At the frown that crumples my face, he adds, “I’m sorry if it’s not what you want to hear, but he’s no good for you Lilly.”

“Isaac!” Madam Lynn snaps, she looks pissed. And Isaac’s shocked.

“If he really wanted you, he’d be here. Not leaving you to wonder where he’s at.” Isaac says.

“That’s not true. You don’t know him!” I cry out..

“Get out, Isaac.” Madam Lynn says in a low voice. “I told you, you don’t know him.” Her voice is full of hurt. And from the look that flashes in his eyes, he seems genuinely sorry.

“Out,” Madame Lynn says in a bit of a brighter tone, shooing him away.

Isaac stands there for a moment waiting for her to look at him again, but she doesn’t. He looks like he wants to tell me something. But again… nothing.

He presses his lips into a straight line and nods before leaving the room. At the door, he stops to tell me, “My team and I will be waiting to escort you home Ms. Wade. Just come

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