Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,144

and I’m filled with anticipation, hoping he’ll take me again and give me even more pleasure, if that’s somehow possible. I suck every last drop of cream from his fingers, making sure to hold his gaze, and pull away when I’m done with an audible pop.

I wait for his next command, my chest heaving with desire, wanting badly to be used by him.

He lets me lick the servings off his fingers, and I find myself wanting it so much that I grab his hand forcefully, greedily sucking his fingers, imagining it’s his dick that I’m sucking.

My heart skips a beat as Isaac lets out a chuckle at my behavior.

Fuck. I instantly freeze, the lust-filled haze vanishing as I’m snapped out of the fantasy.

I shouldn’t have done that. I lower my hands to my thighs where they belong. He didn’t give me permission to take control like that. I know better. I’ll be better. It was a stupid mistake.

I stare into his eyes as I slowly pull away, his finger licked clean and waiting for his admonishment or a smack or some kind of punishment.

I know better.

I wait a moment, my breathing coming in shorter and shorter.

“I’m sorry, Master.” I clear my throat slightly, sitting back on the balls of my feet and awaiting the consequences of my action.

“I don’t mind your enthusiasm, kitten. I’ll allow it.”

A breath I didn’t know I was holding leaves me, and I can feel my body sag slightly.

“You must really enjoy strawberries, kitten,” he says, his deep voice filled with amusement.

“No, it’s you,” I say, the words slipping past my lips without my consent. I blush after I speak, realizing it’s all true. I’m so caught up in pleasing him, I’d made an error in my strict obedience. Isaac doesn’t respond and just looks at me, his green eyes so intense that I’m forced to look away. I shiver slightly, never remembering him looking at me like that before.

“Let me show you to your room, kitten,” he says, adjusting his cock as he stands. “Come,” he commands.

I’m quick to rise and obediently follow him through the opulent house, taking in everything in a sort of detached awe. The house is large, simple with modern features, yet elegant. I like it. It looks like something out of a magazine.

We pass a large den as we go down the hallway and then take a spiral staircase up to the second floor. The wide hallway has dark hardwood floors, and simple black and white scenic paintings that line the wall. At the end of the hallway are two large double doors, which I assume lead to the master suite. Isaac leads me nearly to the double doors, but stops at a single door that’s closest to it.

“This is your room,” he informs me, gesturing at the door and then to the double doors. “That one is mine. Both my doors and yours shall remain open at all times. Understood?”

Biting my lower lip, I nod. “Yes, Master.”

Isaac stares at me, his striking green eyes causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. “If you need me during the night, you’re to kneel at my bedside and call my name until I wake. Though I’m sure I’ll hear you the moment you walk in.”

I’m shocked. My old Master would never allow me such freedom. I was never allowed to go anywhere without his consent or without him present. Ever. Even with him present, the chain was always there, making each step difficult and painful.

Letting his words sink in, Isaac turns and opens the door to my room, motioning me inside. The memory of the chain, the comparison of then and now completely vanishes as the door swiftly opens and reveals what lies beyond it.

My breath catches in my throat and my lips part in surprise as I step in the room, with a push from Isaac. It’s not what I was anticipating. It’s a normal bedroom. No chains or sex swings or glass cabinet filled with toys and tools for punishment. Just a normal room. It’s quite lavish with a fancy white plush rug underneath the queen-size bed with matching comforter, grey and white paint on the walls in stripes, and gossamer silk curtains adorning the windows. Their softness reminds me of butterflies. This is just so… normal. My breathing comes in faster. I feel completely at a loss. I look over my shoulder at Isaac, feeling somewhat betrayed. Although it’s my own fault. I don’t know what to expect from

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