Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,143

fueled by the smacking of the rolling pin hitting the tile with each hard pump. Smack, smack, smack. Louder and louder as I lose control and rut between her legs, racing for my release.

My body heats, and Katia cries out her pleasure. Her hot body is trembling and her nails are digging into my sides.

My balls draw up, a tingling sensation at the base of my spine shooting through my body all at once. A blinding pleasure paralyzes me as I throw my head back and cum violently, harder than I’ve ever cum before, hot wave after wave filling Katia’s tight pussy.

I pump my hips a few times, drawing out both of our orgasms.

It takes a moment for me to catch my breath. I slowly lift my body off of hers and pull out, taking the rolling pin still in her ass out with me. She still has one hand wrapped around her knee, and I tap her hand to let her know she can let go.

She lets it fall to the floor limp as she stares at me, her breathing erratic and her chest heaving.

I run my fingers along her asshole and then her pussy. Looking for any signs that she’s hurt in the least.

“How do you feel, Katia?” I ask her.

“Good. So good.”

“Just good?” I ask to toy with her, raising a brow.

“I feel wonderful, Master. Thank you.”

A smile plays at my lips. “Good girl, kitten.” I kiss her hair as her body shudders with a lingering wave of her release as my still-hard dick brushes against her clit. “Now clean yourself up while I make dinner.”

Chapter 18


I let out a sigh, my thighs still being rocked by occasional tremors, my limbs weak as I kneel on the dining room floor, still naked. I’m exhausted, but content. The way Isaac fucked me so thoroughly, and with that rolling pin… gave me pleasure that defied belief. My cheeks blaze with a blush and another shudder runs through my body, my nipples pebbling. Even now, I’m still being jolted by aftershocks that are rapidly fading, leaving me wanting more. Needing more.

I let out as a soft sigh as I feel wetness around my ankle where my ass is sitting. I’m not sure if it’s my arousal or his cum, but I don’t care.

The sounds of clinking glass break me out of my reverie, while the faint smells of the stuffed peppers and spices still fills the air.

I’m so full. But I want more. I feel like a glutton for sex and food.

Isaac is setting a dish for dessert down on the dining room table, some sort of fruit concoction.

I sat at the chair to my right for dinner. Eating as politely as I could and careful to mimic the way he gently set the fork on the side of his plate. It was odd to be sitting at the table.

I’m not anymore. For dessert he wanted me here. Beside his chair and on my knees.

How fucked is it that I prefer it this way?

He watches me, the corner of his full lips pulled up into a slight grin as he lowers himself into the carved walnut chair at the head of the table. “Are you hungry for dessert, kitten?” he asks.

Not trusting myself to speak, I nod softly.

I watch as he takes a silver fork and spears a slice of strawberry along with a raspberry, drizzled in some sort of thickened sugary cream.

“Open,” he commands, bringing the fork to my lips. Immediately, I part my lips and take the fruit into my mouth. Mmm. I close my eyes with pleasure as my taste buds are assaulted by a rich, sweet flavor. It’s absolutely delicious.

Isaac is watching me intently, enjoying the delight his dish has brought me. “Do you like that, kitten?”

A soft moan escapes my lips as I swallow the last of the fruit, and I nod my head. “Yes, Master.”

“Good.” Isaac drops the fork on the table and swipes his finger on the edge of the bowl, covering them with the cream spread. He brings his fingers to my lips. “Suck,” he orders.

Eagerly, I wrap my mouth around his fingers, sucking them as if they’re his cock.

“Look at me,” Isaac orders.

My eyes dart to his while I continue to massage my tongue along the length of his middle finger holding his beautiful green eyes with mine, savoring the sweetness of the taste.

“Fuck,” Isaac groans, and I watch as he palms his cock in his pants.

Fire burns in my core

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