Here to Stay - Adriana Herrera Page 0,125

know how Julia’s doing?

I knew I was pushing it, but I couldn’t help myself. I held my breath as I saw the three dots jumping on the screen.

Dani: Not good from what José said, man. What happened?

I didn’t know where to begin. What could I even say? That I was a coward. That she was too good for me and I’d just end up dragging her into my family bullshit.

Just as I was about to reply, the Twins rushed into my office, their faces thunderous.

Muffy was the first one to speak. “Will what you did end up costing you your job?” Her voice was tense but her eyes were full of concern.

I tried to smile, but I knew it was probably not working very well. “It needed to be said.”

They both shook their heads and Mitzy kept looking over her shoulder.

“They voted in favor of the IPO.”

My vision blurred and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I’d put my job on the line and lost Julia for nothing.

“Well, then I guess they were happy with the report. What will happen with the foundation?”

Mitzy shook her head, her face grim. “We’ll fight for the programs.” The relief was so intense at her words I felt light-headed. “It’s going to be nasty, and I have no idea what the future of Sturm’s is, but we will never forget what you tried to do. We know how much that cost you.”

“You don’t have to thank me.”

Muffy moved closer then and put her hand over my fisted one resting on the desk. “Yes we do. Don’t think we don’t know the pressure you’ve been under.” Just as she said that, Phil sauntered into the office. He stood behind the twins, without even looking at them. That shark smile in full force.

“I just spoke with your boss. We won’t be needing you moving forward, Mr. Quinn. Please be out of this office by the end of the day.” He turned on his heel and left without another word.

I stood up and started getting my shit in order while Mitzy and Muffy glared at Phil’s back.

“You don’t need to rush out of here, Rocco.” Muffy’s voice was urgent and frustrated.

Mitzy just shook her head.

I lifted a shoulder, gathering the few things that were mine. “I don’t have much here. I’ll be done in a few minutes.” I took the security card out of my pocket and placed it on the desk. The sad thing was, I really didn’t have much. Just a few folders and my laptop. That was all I would walk away from here with. It felt wrong, when I’d found so much in this building.

I looked up and tried to give the twins a genuine smile. “Thanks for everything, and I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.”

“This was never on you. That was all my brother with his childish vendetta and that greedy asshole Phil.”

Mitzy’s worried eyes landed on me again. “Will you be all right, Rocco?”

Just as she said that, I saw an email notification flash on my phone screen.

It was from Davidson and Partners and the subject had two words. “Termination Notice.”

I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket without opening it. As I made my way around the desk, I gave each of them a warm, one-armed hug.

“I’ll be fine.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


“I can’t believe it. How is it possible?”

I looked over at Salome and José, who were sitting on my couch, looking at me expectantly.

From the other end of the line, Gail exhaled loudly. “I’m not sure how it happened, but I got an email late last night from the Sturm twins.” I flinched when I heard the name, thinking of Rocco and how much he liked the two older women. “They assured me all the programs they promised funding to would continue to get it, and for the foreseeable future.”

I wished I could have felt glad, but all I seemed to be able to feel was misery. “That’s great. I can’t believe we will stay open even after the IPO got approved.”

Gail sighed again in obvious relief. “I was afraid we would be drastically impacted by that. But the twins said not to worry and we just have to trust in them at this point.”

I nodded as if she could see me. “I’ll see you the day after tomorrow, then.” My job was safe. The attorney working on behalf of Antonio’s mom could continue to advocate for her. The program was safe. My life was here in Dallas now. Copyright 2016 - 2024