Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,66

and practically danced over to the black town car. “See you soon. I love you too!”


“Oh Georgette!” Adriana gasped as Kate stepped out from the dressing room. “This creation is absolutely stunning!”

Georgette smiled as her soon-to-be sister-in-law swirled around in the sleek wedding gown. The dress was made up almost entirely of ice blue silk satin that shimmered whenever Kate moved. And it clung to all of her delicate curves, giving glimpses but not showing off anything. The color made her eyes seem like they were almost glowing while sharpening the contrast of her dark hair and her pale skin.

“It looks pretty fabulous,” Georgette drawled, grinning at Kate.

Adriana tilted her head. “I wish Dylan had discovered you before I got married. As it is, you’ll just have to make Ella’s wedding gown,” she laughed.

“I’m pretty happy being a bride’s maid this time around,” Ella said, smoothing down her own navy blue dress. Georgette and Adriana were also in navy blue, but in different styles that suited their figures. The three of them looked amazing and Kate had to admit that Georgette really was a genius when it came to dresses.

“You look like a fairy princess,” Julia gushed, her eyes wide and sparkling. She was to be the flower girl this time and she looked adorable in her periwinkle blue dress with blue and white flowers in her hair. “Just like me!”

The four women laughed and Georgette kissed her daughter’s cheek. “Yes, you do,” she agreed with her soft, southern drawl.

“Okay, we’ve got to get this show on the road.” She handed Kate her bouquet of blue and white flowers, then nodded to Adriana. “You’ve got your boys covered?” she asked.

Adriana cringed. “They were alone for a few minutes, but I don’t think it was long enough to cause too much damage.”

Those words caught Kate’s attention. “Damage?”

Adriana and Georgette looked at each other. “Don’t worry about it. We corralled Antonio, Marcus and Dylan into a room and wouldn’t let them do…anything.”

She clenched at her flowers. “Is Davis okay? What would they do?”

Adriana shook her head, worried still but trying not to show it. “Well, Davis helped with a small…prank at Georgette’s wedding,” she looked at Georgette who was lifting her auburn eyebrows in question at Adriana’s description.

“The boys were horrible to Dylan,” Georgette finally explained. “They wrapped the car up, filled it with balloons and, by the time we reached the hotel where we were staying overnight, we were covered in sticky notes!”

Adriana covered her mouth as laughter burst out of her. She tried to smother it, but wasn’t very successful. “Yes. That was pretty awful,” she agreed.

Georgette eyed her sister-in-law with feigned derision. “Dylan was furious.”

Adriana laughed again. “I’m sure you were able to soothe his temper.”

Georgette harrumphed. “Only after we plucked all those silly sticky notes off of each other.”

Both Adriana and Kate had to laugh at that. Even Ella joined in although Julia wasn’t sure what was so funny.

Antonio poked his head through the doorway, eyeing the women warily. “We’re ready whenever you are.” Kate nodded her head and smiled at her future brother-in-law. He really was a nice guy. All of them were and she was starting to not believe those stories Davis had told her of their antics as kids.

Antonio caught sight of Kate and he froze, a whistle coming from him as he looked her up and down. “Oh man, Davis is going to like this shindig,” he said and disappeared.

Kate smiled nervously at the others. “That’s a good sign, right?” she asked.

The ladies filed out of the room, not really answering Kate. She decided she was making too much of all of this teasing. Besides, Davis was a big guy. He could take care of himself.

The music started and Julia grabbed her basket of flower petals. The wedding was set up in the back yard of Davis’ Atlanta house under an enormous white tent. It was a relatively small wedding since Kate didn’t have many friends. So it was mostly Davis’ family and some of his close acquaintances, plus Ms. Dramond and her husband who were beaming with pride, almost as if Davis were their son.

Julia had been shown how to walk down the white carpet, dropping petals every few feet. She grinned at all of the people watching her and, instead of walking in time to the music, she skipped down the aisle, stopping right in front of Davis before grinning up at him with her sweet, innocent smile.

Davis chuckled and lifted her

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