Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,65

the discovery all along. I walked by Davis’ office when you were doing exactly that.”

His face turned red and he sputtered with his outrage. “I was only trying to protect you in case the information was wrong. You had no right to go behind my back like that, Kate!”

Normally at this point in the conversation, she would be shivering with reaction, backing down and trying to soothe his temper. But today, she simply looked at him objectively, as if he were a fish out of water or a curiosity. “Father, you knew I was right and you were trying to make me look bad. I heard you on the phone.” She sighed, dismissing the issue completely. “Anyway, I’m leaving.”

His mouth fell open. He snapped it shut when she didn’t react properly and compressed his lips in fury. “You’re not going anywhere. We’ve got a ton of work to do. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve been on vacation for the past few weeks. I’ll be docking your pay because of it too.”

She stood up. “If you do that, I’ll hire a lawyer and will win. You know that you’re wrong in this case as well, so don’t fight me here.” She waited for her words to sink in and she felt a moment’s peace at his silence. “I’m not leaving the office, Father. I’m leaving your firm. I’m leaving Boston.” She thought about telling him she was getting married, but it occurred to her that he wasn’t really a father who deserved that kind of information. And then a thought struck her. Something that made so much sense, she was surprised that she hadn’t thought of it before now. “Am I really your daughter?” she asked.

She immediately saw the truth in his eyes. “I’m not your daughter, am I?” she asked again with both wonder and resolve in her voice.

The man she’d always thought of as her father sat back in his chair – his eyes revealing the truth.

“Your mother was pregnant when I married her. I didn’t make her give up the baby because I loved her.” He sat back in his chair, a sneer on his face as he looked at her. “Then you came along. You were a mess, always drawing and painting. Anything you could get your hands on, you just drew constantly. If it weren’t for me, you’d be unemployed and out on the street. I grew you into the woman you are today.”

Kate took a deep breath, feeling a rush of joy. “Wow! That is such a relief!” She stood up, taking another deep breath. “Wow!”

His eyes lasered in on what she was wearing. “Why the hell are you wearing jeans?! I’ve told you over and over again, conservative suits, Kate! Go change and then get back to work.”

She shook her head, smiling down at the old man who had made the last ten years of her life miserable. “I’m quitting. The paper in your hands is my resignation. I don’t need your recommendation, not that you’d give it anyway.” She shook her head, enjoying the feeling of her hair free and not pinned to her head. “Goodbye,” she told him and walked to the doorway.

The screaming and insults started before she was halfway down the hallway. She ignored it all, thinking of Davis and how wonderful he was. She couldn’t wait to tell him the news that Richard Evans wasn’t her father! Oh goodness, the relief she felt almost made her dizzy.

She stepped out into the sunshine. “Ms. Evans?” a uniformed chauffer stepped up to her. “I’m from Mr. Alfieri. He asked me to ensure that you reached the airport safely.” He handed her a cell phone. “He’s on the phone now.”

Kate laughed as she took the phone. “Davis?”

“Kate, are you okay?” his deep voice asked her, filled with concern.

“I’m more than okay!” she told him with a gleeful laugh. “It’s all over. And I also found out that he’s not actually my biological father!” She laughed again as she told him. “He’s been horrible to me for years, all because he resented that I wasn’t his daughter. Oh goodness, this is so wonderful!”

Davis didn’t know how that could be good news, but he was relieved to hear the happiness in her voice. “I’m just glad that you’re finished with him. This man is going to drive you to the airport. I didn’t want you to take a cab. Mike is waiting for you. Just come home to me, love.”

“I will,” she said

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