Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,44

A few minutes ago, she’d been furious with him but she was now in his arms and her lips felt swollen from kissing him. “Who is that?” she whispered.

“Probably the bell hop, coming to get our bags,” he grumbled. “He’ll go away.”

Kate pushed her hands against his shoulders, stopping him from kissing her again. “He’ll know what’s going on.”

“I don’t give a damn,” he replied and twisted so she was more securely in his arms.

“Davis!” she squealed, pushing against his shoulders. Her efforts were pointless against the strength in his arms, but he sighed heavily and put her down. “Fine, but we’re not finished with this conversation.”

Kate walked over to the door, grumbling under her breath, “Didn’t seem to me that we were doing a whole lot of discussing.”

“I heard that!” Davis called as he moved into his bedroom to finish dressing.

Kate turned, her hand on the doorknob, glaring at the man who seemed to hear and know everything. It was more than a little disconcerting.

“Good morning, ma’am. I’m here to collect your bags. Your car is ready for you whenever you are.” He bowed slightly and Kate stepped back, smiling politely in his direction. She still wasn’t sure what to say or do around people like this. She was used to carrying her own bags and doing things for herself. Traveling had been something she’d always wanted to do, but her father wasn’t the type who liked leaving home. His idea of a vacation was to take a week off in December and June to fix things around the house and run errands or go to appointments like the dentist or to get flu shots.

“I didn’t know we were leaving Denver,” she said when he came back out. She was watching the bell hop, not sure what was going on. “I haven’t finished the audit here in the Denver office.”

Davis took her hands, trying to stop her from worrying. “It’s Saturday. Why don’t you go change into those sexy jeans I saw you wearing yesterday and I’ll take you on a tour. You’ve seen the inside of the Denver office, a restaurant and this hotel. It is time you got out and saw a bit more of the scenery.” He paused and looked down into her worried eyes. “Have you ever been to Colorado? I don’t want to assume anything.”

Davis actually had an ulterior motive for suggesting a tour. He wanted to be alone with her, absolutely. But he also wanted to just talk with her. They’d been here in Denver for the past two days and almost all she’d done is work.

He wanted to be with her, but had to understand her. This was his opportunity. He didn’t have any other meetings until Monday morning so he was going to enforce weekend hours. And weekend fund. And hopefully, bedroom time.

“Come on,” he said and led her to her doorway. “Change your clothes, pack up your stuff and meet me out here in fifteen minutes. I have a car waiting downstairs and I’ll show you a good time today. But you’re going to have to trust me.”

Kate looked up into his dark, blue eyes and wondered if she could. “Fine,” she said, ignoring that horrible voice in the back of her mind that told her that her father would admonish her to finish the work in the Denver office instead of taking the day off. She was only halfway through matching up the invoices and yes, she hadn’t found anything that would indicate a problem, but she’d feel better about the whole thing if she could go through more of the invoices. Just a larger sample.

“I really should…”

He held up a hand and shook his head. “You really should go put on jeans. I guarantee that that skirt you’re wearing will be a problem where we’re going.”

She looked down at the hated suit and sighed. “Fine. I hate this suit anyway,” she grumbled and walked into her bedroom. She pulled her one pair of jeans out, almost excited to not have to wear pantyhose today, but it wouldn’t be the first time she’d worn them over a weekend. Her father was a stickler for meeting deadlines for the clients.

She wasn’t exactly sure what to do with her paints and painting. Looking around, she accepted that she’d have to leave the painting here. It was only half finished, but it couldn’t be helped. The paints she was able to store in the side areas of her small suitcase. The rest

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