Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,24

out the window so fast she wouldn’t be able to blink!

Chapter 4

Kate tried to relax and enjoy the trip, but she was sitting on a private jet being served freshly squeezed orange juice, feeling like a fraud. Davis was across from her on the phone speaking in a language she didn’t understand. She looked around, stunned by the luxury surrounding her. This wasn’t the commercial aircraft she’d been anticipating. In fact, it wasn’t like any other kind of plane she’d heard about with the cramped seats, a person stealing the elbow room next to her and the odd, don’t-want-to-identify-it smells.

Nope. This was a living room. A very luxurious living room that looked like it should be in a movie set or something. The leather seats were wide and comfortable with plenty of room to stretch out one’s legs and the chairs even swiveled around so a traveler could speak to anyone in the plane. There were small tables where she could put her laptop and even china plates with warm croissants. She felt like she was in a parallel universe.

She tried to focus on the information Davis had given her earlier today, but she was just too nervous. Her father’s words kept ringing in her ears. As soon as Davis had left the office, her father had cornered her in her office, letting her know how important Davis Alfieri was and how, if she messed up on any of the reports Kate gave to Davis, she would be out the door, never to work in the accounting field again.

She couldn’t screw this up. She had to be very careful, very conscientious and send everything through her father.

She was looking down but still not absorbing anything when she realized that Davis was no longer talking on his cell phone. She instantly knew that he was watching her.

Still keeping her head down, she tried to sound teasing and light-hearted, but still focused on the information she was pretending to read. “Do I have something on my nose?” she asked, afraid to look up into those intense blue eyes. He would know, she thought. He was soon going to discover that she was a fraud. He knew her better now, last night’s intimacies still fresh in her mind. Surely he could see through all of her pretenses.

“You’re an extremely beautiful woman,” he said, putting his papers on the table beside him. Davis leaned back and looked at her, trying to understand her. He knew she wasn’t reading anything since she’d been staring at the same paper for about ten minutes. What was going through her mind, he wondered? Why did she look like she was about to lose her best friend?

Kate knew he was just trying to flatter her but she had no idea why. “And you’re a very wealthy man,” she came back. Biting her lip, she took a deep breath and decided to just dive into the big question. “Why are you hiring me?”

He’d known this question was coming. “Because you’re an accountant and I need to find out who is embezzling money from me.”

She shook her head again. “No. Why me specifically?”

He paused ever so slightly before giving her the brutal truth. “Because you left my bed this morning and I want to know why.”

Woah! Kate had wanted the truth but she hadn’t thought he would be so blatant about it. “That’s it?”

He shrugged one of those massive shoulders. “Well, and I want to figure out how to get you back into my bed.”

She laughed, appreciating his honesty. “Okay, so what if I don’t ever fall back into your arms?”

His smile was filled with amusement and confidence. “Do you honestly think that we can keep our hands off of each other?” He leaned forward, his eyes lighting up with a strange heat that had her stomach muscles tightening in anticipation instantly. “Right now, you’re thinking about what we did last night, about all the different ways I had you screaming, aren’t you?”

Kate looked over at the door where the flight attendant had disappeared, worried that she could hear and worried that she might just throw herself into his arms, beg him for more of the same. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the needy ache deep down inside of her. “Stop it,” she whispered frantically. “I’m not that kind of woman. Last night was…it was an aberration.”

“A nice aberration,” he countered.

She shook her head, irritated when a lock of dark hair floated down out

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