Her Unexpected Admirer Page 0,23

her how they could go about having a relationship with each other. There was simply no way he was going without another night like last night.

She heard him, but what he was saying didn’t make any sense. “Airport?”

He walked to the conference room door, keeping her hand in his and leading her towards the exit. “Yes. Airport. We’re flying to my Denver office in,” he glanced at his watch, “twenty-nine minutes.”

The idea of dumping all of her other projects and just going with Davis was too tempting. But the idea was also ludicrous! “I can’t leave. I have other things that I need to be doing.”

He shook his head and opened the door. “Your father has taken over all of your other assignments. He told me that before you walked in. So your schedule is cleared.”

She was still confused as to why he needed her on the plane. The thought of being with him, night and day, was too much of a temptation. She couldn’t withstand being near him and not acting inappropriately. “Why don’t you just e-mail me the information? I can go over it and figure out what is going on.” And she could send her information to her dad so he could verify whatever she’d found. She couldn’t do this on her own! She wasn’t competent enough. Maybe in time…

Dylan saw the fear in her eyes and reacted to it, not liking that he’d put it there. “Your father has agreed to oversee your work, but you’ll be the primary contact. Just go through the accounting information and if you don’t find anything wrong with the numbers, then we move on. If you do, then we stop and look at things more closely. It’s pretty simple.”

She shook her head. “Forensic accounting isn’t that simple,” she countered. “There are invoices that need to match up with the data. Someone needs to validate those invoices, to ensure that the materials were received, that the numbers make sense.”

He almost laughed at her adorable expression. Those crystal blue eyes were now sharp and bright, as if her mind was thinking a mile a minute. She’d said she wasn’t a good accountant last night but after talking with her for a couple of hours, he’d thought she was very intelligent. Why she didn’t believe in herself was a mystery he was eager to solve. “You can do all of that with my accounting team in each office. You’ll go in as just an outside accountant who is running an analysis of my accounting procedures. No one will know your true goal. And if you find procedures that need to be fixed, then even better.”

She stared at him helplessly, trying to figure out a way to get out of this project. The man seemed determined. As she looked through the open door of the conference room, she saw her father watching her very intently, as if he didn’t trust her not to mess this up.

The thought of getting a new job popped into her mind and she instantly realized that this was a perfect opportunity. If she could get a recommendation from Davis, she might not need any reference from her father. She could be out from underneath his domineering thumb and perhaps find an accounting firm that wasn’t so…stressful.

“Fine,” she said, straightening up and nodding her head with a sharp snap. “I’ll rush home and pack some clothes. How long will we be gone?”

Damn, when she looked confident, she was even more beautiful, he thought, stunned by the sudden transformation. That conference room table probably wasn’t sturdy enough for what he had in mind for her.

“Twenty-eight minutes,” he said, keeping his hands in his pockets. “I’ll pick you up at your apartment.”

A moment later, he was out the door. As Kate packed up her computer and a few office supplies she might need while on the road, it occurred to her to wonder how Davis knew where she lived. Shrugging that thought off, she walked out of the office, eager to get started on her new project. She would do an outstanding job for Davis, find the person who was embezzling his money and, when she handed him the name and the details, she would be brave and ask for a reference. She could fix this! Kate refused to live this life any longer.

And she absolutely would not muck this up by sleeping with the client! Her father would definitely fire her if she did that and then her reference would be

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