Her CEO - Flora Ferrari Page 0,4

a man behind me.

Eric keeps hold of me and guides me back into the elevator with him, turning me around finally and leaning into me so I can feel at least nine inches of the reason why he wants me in front of him right now.

“Mr. Chambers?” gasps the man, and both look from me in disbelief, then to Eric behind me, whose deep voice I can hear vibrating right through me as he speaks.

“You’ve both met Alyson, and no doubt like myself, you’ll be seeing plenty more of her too.”

Their faces turn white as he punches the elevator doors to close, giving them something to think about as we both disappear.

“You both let Chambers Inc. and yourselves down today, this isn’t how we treat prospective leaders in our company. Check your emails in about a half hour,” he adds before they can respond, leaving us alone in the elevator as I feel my stomach bottom out as it shoots upwards.

I want to turn and face him but his hands on me tell me to keep facing the front, I feel myself leaning back just a little further, still not truly believing what I’m feeling pressing into me is what I think it is…

“You came here for a job?” he asks me firmly, and I feel my head nodding again, biting my lip as it's pretty clear the man has a blistering hard on, practically pressing into my back now.

“How were you treated? What happened back there?” he growls, preempting my answer.

“No interview without a referral, that’s what that girl said,” I manage to tell him, losing my focus again, feeling the small space of the elevator getting stuffier as my ears pop then start to buzz.

The elevator slows then stops, and my stomach drops again. Swishing silently open, there’s a new marble floor stretching out to the floor to ceiling windows, but it’s cozier somehow. Maybe just because I’m so close to him now, but I feel safer. Content.

“Well,” Eric whispers hoarsely from behind, easing me forward gently with his hand on my back, “I’m going to interview you myself, then we’ll see just how useful you can be to Chambers Inc.”

Chapter Four


I’m one of the wealthiest men in the country but I can hardly believe my good fortune.

She’s literally just walked into my life and now she’s in my office.

I stand in the elevator for a moment, watching her fine, heart shaped ass as she walks ahead of me.

It really is her, I know she’s the one.


My queen has come to me.

Any thoughts of taking care of business myself. To try and relieve some of this pressure are out of the question now.

I know every drop of my seed is for her and her alone, all my energy and attention has to be for her, for her absolute pleasure.

For our future.

But first, I need to set her at ease, get to know her. I don’t want to spook her with the physical side of things, but Jesus! What she’s doing to me.

She wants to turn her head, but I command her to go to the window, to look out at the view. It gives me time to try and cover myself, but it’s impossible, I haven’t been this aroused ever.

I didn’t think it was humanly possible.

Walking close enough behind her to touch her, I resist the temptation for now, and take my seat at my desk, which also faces the window.

I sit there, watching her take in the view. Both of us completely forgetting everything for a moment.

“It’s just beautiful,” she says, referring to the view and finally turning after sensing I’ve managed to get myself decent by sitting down.

“It sure is,” I remark, looking her up and down, inhaling with satisfaction as I motion for her to take a seat in front of me.

I know what I’d like to do right now. But take it easy Eric. One thing at a time.

She takes a seat and I study her, which I can tell makes her bashful. She has a button nose, pouty lips and full cheeks. Her blond hair sits naturally straight against her chest.

Her eyes are deep blue, like the ocean and have a natural light that unfortunately highlights what I can only guess is sadness. Loneliness.

I recognize it because it’s something I’ve been noticing a lot in myself lately.

Until today that is.

“Tell me why you want to work here,” I hear myself ask, suddenly and off topic. It’s my stock standard, put ‘em on the

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