Her CEO - Flora Ferrari Page 0,3

where anybody would head after being brushed off, I hear myself growling again as I hear the bimbo secretary calling her name, chasing after her with the folder she’s just fished out of the trash.

The sound of her name makes me hot inside, and I feel the thick edge of my arousal returning as I see her perfect face turning to meet mine.


Alyson Bennet.


Chapter Three


His thick index finger goes up as his eyes lock with mine, slowly pointing it towards me then curling it back towards him.

Come here…

I’m stunned, frozen to the spot, the sound of the secretary sounding like she’s suddenly underwater. The world suddenly meaningless under the power of his gaze, the erotic signals of his command.

I want to turn around, to make sure he really means me, but his brow cocks slightly, the edge of his lightly stubbled lip turning until he mouths the words come here.

The words come and Eric Chambers in the same sentence in my mind is enough to make me shudder again, my own eyes half-rolling back in my head as I have to focus on how to even walk without gasping out loud.

Each stroke of his finger in the air is like a direct stroke onto my now sodden center, feelings and sensations I’ve never even had before make me feel like hitching my white skirt up to my waist and getting down on all fours, offering myself to him right here in the foyer, even with whole world watching.

The very idea that Eric Chambers wants me for anything makes me feel suddenly invincible.

Until I get within range of his scent, within earshot of his low, deep growling voice which I discover renders me practically useless.

He smells like something I want to dive into. A musky, woodsy and crisp cloud that has a masculine edge that’s enough to make him swoon worthy on its own.

But he looks better the closer I get too, his body tensing and relaxing under the shimmer of luxurious tailored silk, his smooth and sun kissed skin making me feel like I want to touch him.

Like I need to touch him and have him touch me, right now.

When I was in college, a big time movie producer came and gave a speech, and we all spoke about the presence he had later on, after the event.

Eric Chambers has a similar aura, but it’s not just money, power or even his good looks although all those things on their own are enough to make him stand out from any crowd.

There’s something else. A definite power, a self-assuredness and confidence that oozes from him, making me want to breathe him in.

But the more I look into his dark, penetrating eyes, the more I register something else.

His sense of loneliness, lit by my own reflection in his eyes the closer I get, I watch his satisfaction growing as I step closer, automatically putting both my hands out for some reason.

Hoping, wishing… longing for him to touch me.

I can feel a hundred eyes on us from behind me and I’m blocking their view of him now as he steps forward, revealing a large bulge which makes me gasp as he reaches out, and taking both my hands as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Using my hands, he pulls me closer to him, inhaling me as he does so. I feel the strength of his huge hands, his whole body as he looms over mine, like a giant shield which suddenly makes me forget about anything that’s ever made me feel bad.

“You almost got away,” he murmurs, lingering near my ear and I hear myself almost whimpering as I nod in reply, a mix of agreement and my overpowering sense of submission to him which I find not only comforting, but hot as hell.

He’s holding both my hands up near his chest and I feel him letting them loose, his eyes dancing in a question as he leans back slightly, waiting to see where I’ll choose to put them next.

I can only rest them on his thick, hard chest, feeling something strong pounding beneath his shirt and jacket. Pounding in time with the hot pulse running like a live current through my center, right up my spine until it explodes with one single thought at the top of my head.


Looking up at him, I gradually become aware of the rest of the world returning. I hear the muted footfall of epic fail Barbie, joined by the almost shrill tone of

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