Her Billionaire Heartthrob - Kaylee Baldwin Page 0,24

would be like,” he said.

“It has its pluses and minuses. Everyone here knows my past and my business. If I moved somewhere else, I wouldn’t be the girl whose mom died when she was young and whose dad split town. But at the same time, I know that Billy’s dad used to work him over when he was a kid, and Kendra is torn between dreams of leaving and never coming back, and wanting to have a passel of kids and raise them here. I know their framework, and it gives me context when I’m with them.”

“Do you ever feel, though, that you can’t escape your past or be someone new?”

“I haven’t. Callie did, though. That’s why she moved to Bentonville after high school, because she felt all anyone ever saw when they looked at her was her father. For me, I feel like it makes me more whole to have everyone know my past and see what I’m becoming as well.”

He listened intently, as if weighing every word she said, as if she were the most absorbing person he’d listened to. They arrived at her car too soon.

“I had a wonderful night,” Liam said.

“Me too.”

Then, slowly, so slowly she would have had time to stop him if she wanted to, he stepped close to her, raising his hand to her neck, slipping his fingers softly around to her nape, sending shivers rushing down her skin.

His breaths mingled with hers as he looked into her eyes, searching for permission.

She closed her eyes in response and kicked up on her heels to bring her lips to his.

Light exploded through her as their mouths crashed together, emotions she hadn’t felt in almost a year rolling through her. Flashes of the ocean, being tangled up in the sand, never feeling close enough to Liam went through her mind, until she landed back in Eureka Springs, Liam’s mouth impossibly on hers.

She pulled back suddenly and stepped away from Liam. His breathing was as ragged as hers. “We can’t do this.”

“Why not?” His voice was hoarse, his gaze intent. “We clearly have feelings for each other. Viola, I’ve never felt like this for anyone in my life.”

“Then why did you leave?” she asked. “I can’t trust you.”

“I won’t leave again like that.”

“You can’t say that. Your life isn’t here.”

“It could be. It is right now.”

“But not forever. You have homes around the United States, and a company that takes you around the world for months at a time. And I’ll never leave,” she said.

“We can make this work. I want to try.” He took her hand in his and pressed their palms together, lifting her hand to kiss her fingers. Her heartbeat ratcheted up to racing.

It would be so easy to say yes. So easy to give in to these feelings.

And get hurt again when he leaves? She couldn’t go through that. Not again. She unhooked their hands and opened her car door. “I’m sorry, Liam.”

He watched as she backed out of her parking spot and drove away. She managed to keep her emotions together until she arrived back at the house. Grandma was already home, and Viola could see her through the open window, sitting in her rocking chair, most likely waiting for Viola, though she’d deny it if Viola called her out on it. She’d changed from her detective costume into a nightdress, and the light of the television flickered against her face.

Viola opened the door and tried to paste on a happy smile.

“How did it go?” her grandma asked.

And before she could stop herself, Viola burst into tears.


Viola awoke the next morning, still feeling like she’d made the right decision, despite the reservations on her grandma’s face the night before when she’d explained her justification for turning Liam down.

Love always means risking hurt, she’d said.

Well, I’ve been hurt enough, Viola had replied.

Grandma had gotten up early to make Viola’s favorite breakfast: a bacon, cheddar, and avocado omelet.

“You didn’t have to do this,” she said as her grandma slid the plate in front of her. She usually had a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast, if she had breakfast at all.

“I know. I feel bad I missed seeing you get your award and wanted to do this for you.”

Viola ate her breakfast while her grandma told her all about the night before. Dane Lowbridge was even more handsome in person than he was on the show, apparently. They’d hit it off, and Grandma had somehow managed to snag his phone number.

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