Her Billionaire Heartthrob - Kaylee Baldwin Page 0,23

go soaring into the air, and I’ve never lost that feeling while walking on the sidewalk in Eureka Springs—that I’m soaring through air.” She smiled fondly before she continued to speak. “I’m excited for some projects I have coming up, including the restoration of The Old Grand Theater, in partnership with an investor.” She smiled at Liam when she said this. “Thank you, all, for this. I look forward to many more years of working with you and making sure our town continues to remain beautiful and authentic for years to come.”

Everyone applauded as she walked down the steps and sat beside Liam.

As the mayor began to introduce the next award to be given that night, Liam leaned close to Viola to whisper, “I had no idea you were getting an award.”

“Surprise,” she whispered back. He inhaled her sweet, coconut scent, which brought him straight back to Hawaii, drinking Pina coladas at an outside tiki-stand on the beach.

“I’ve missed you.” He moved his hand close, overlaying his pinkie with hers. Her breath hitched, but she didn’t move away. She only stared at him for a moment, her eyes wide and vulnerable, before she turned her gaze back up to the next person receiving their award.

But neither of them pulled away, Liam aware of every move she made, for the rest of the evening.

Chapter 11

The dinner had ended, but Viola wasn’t quite ready to go home yet and leave the magic of this night. She knew she shouldn’t give in to it, knew she’d been down this path and it hadn’t turned out well … but she ignored that voice. For tonight, she didn’t care. She’d just gotten a nice award. She was out with a handsome man who made her stomach do acrobatic flips from the single brush of his pinkie against hers.

“Have you seen downtown yet?”

“Not at night,” he replied.

They said goodbye to everyone at their table and then had another dozen goodbyes and congratulations on their way out the door. Most people knew who Liam Nichols was, but thankfully, no one acted overly star-struck to see him at the dinner with her.

She let her hand brush up against his as they walked out the door, and he smoothly laced his fingers through hers. They quietly walked down Main Street, which came alive after dark. The buildings lit up, and people laughed and socialized and ate on restaurant patios.

She took him to a barred-off area where one could look down and see the original spring that Eureka Springs was named for. A light lit it up from the bottom, and a handful of people leaned against the bars to peer down at the still-running water about eight feet below them.

“The people who lived here believed that this water had healing properties,” she told Liam.

“Maybe this whole city has healing properties,” he mused. She saw his chest expand as he took in a deep breath of the musty air that blew up from the spring. “I feel better since coming here.”

She snagged one of the tourists. “Can you take our picture?”

The woman took her phone and waited while Viola stepped closer into Liam’s side. He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her snug against him. Every part of her that touched him came alive with awareness. The woman took a few pictures before handing her back her phone.

“You two make a cute couple,” she said.

“Thanks,” Viola replied. “It’s not worth correcting her,” she justified to Liam.

He held out his hands, like he wasn’t going to fight this battle. “I’m more than happy being coupled with you.”

She gave him a dirty look but couldn’t keep it up, and ended up laughing. “Okay, Mr. Charming, I know we’re stuffed with gala food, but I could use a hot chocolate.”

They crossed the street and went up Spring Street, stopping in front of the cafe that Callie and Viola had gone to the week before. They each ordered a macaroon, along with steaming hot chocolates, and Viola gave Liam the walking tour of Eureka Springs, complete with her favorite ghost stories.

“You’ll have to take a tour with Mollie,” she said. “She’s the best at this. I only know what I know because of her.”

“Do you know everyone in this town?” Liam asked. They threw away their empty cups and Viola turned them back in the direction of where their cars were parked.

“Not everyone.”

When he gave her a skeptical look, she amended her statement. “Almost everyone, though. Yes.”

“I’m trying to imagine what that

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