Hennessey's Handler (Protect and Serve #4) - Pandora Pine Page 0,86

I met Jodi, the physical therapist from hell. She kicked my ass in every session I had with her. The doctors told me the timeline to resume my usual activities was about six months, Jodi wanted me back to normal in half that time.

She almost got her wish. I’d never worked harder in my life than I did trying to get my body back to where it had been pre-injury. Morrison and the rest of my family had been there to push me along and to support me on days when I just wanted to stay in bed.

I’d hit my stride around the four-month mark and hadn’t looked back. I went for long walks with the girls and the dogs. We all got bikes and cruised the neighborhood. I had gotten a little bit stronger every day.

What really turned the tide for me, aside from Morrison and my family’s support, was a six-month-old SAR puppy in training. Lola named her Ariel after The Little Mermaid. She was a present from Drummond, of all people.

Morrison’s father showed up to visit me when I was still in the hospital. He brought a stack of books on German Shepherds, breeding manuals, and a stack of dog magazines.

I was stunned that he’d shown up to meet me without Morrison. I was doubly shocked when he offered me a job at the kennel. It had been on the tip of my tongue to refuse, but something in me told me to shut my mouth and listen to what Drummond had to say. He’d spent years not knowing how to connect with his son, but he saw a chance for redemption with me. By getting to know me, he’d get to know Morrison too. Seeing me shaved and with my short locks, he’d also mentioned turning me into a show dog handler if I was interested. The jury was still out on that count.

So far, so good. I loved working with the dogs every day, and I had to admit Drummond wasn’t a half-bad guy either. He was so proud of Morrison and Ahab for the rescue work they did that he’d agreed to pay for my Search and Rescue classes and had gifted Ariel as my SAR partner. His ultimate goal was to start a breeding program for search and rescue canines as well as show dogs. He hadn’t come right out and said it, but I knew he was going to ask Morrison and me to man it.

“Little piggies!” Lola giggled as she gathered up the empty food bowls. All six puppies followed her while she cleaned up. She moved around the room like a fairy, dancing with Sophie, both girls on tiptoes.

I wasn’t a child psychologist, but Lola was a completely different kid than the one she had been the day she’d wandered off into the woods by herself. She had more self-confidence and had stopped doing crazy things for attention.

“When’s Morrison coming?” Lola asked. She climbed into my lap and rested her face against my chest.

“Soon. He’ll be here any minute now.” I was cool as a cucumber on the outside, but on the inside, I was freaking out.

Over the last six months, my connection with Morrison had grown tighter. We’d become inseparable when we weren’t working. Oz and Kennedy had both told me that when I was ready to pop the question, they’d be more than happy to go ring shopping with me.

Neither brother had been surprised last week when I told them I was ready to go.

The puppies’ sharp barks indicated Morrison had arrived. My heart raced like I’d run the Boston Marathon. “Is everyone ready?” I looked back and forth between Lola and Sophie.

“Ready!” Lola scrambled off my lap and ran with Sophie to grab their signs.

“Hen?” Morrison called out.

“In the kennel!” I shouted back.

Ahab reunited with his pups. They’d been weaned from their mother two weeks ago, but Ahab was a proud father.

“Hey there.” Morrison pulled me into his arms for a hug.

I kissed the side of his neck and held on tight. I didn’t know how I would have made it through the aftermath of the explosion without him by my side. I hoped that my proposal today would be able to tell him that very thing in ways my words hadn’t been able to do. “How was your day?” I’d managed to maneuver him so his back was to Lola, Sophie, and the surprise.

“It was long. Ahab and I spent the day training with Nate. He’s

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