Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,54

of Josh’s mind, he admitted that if Billy killed Cal, he would happily skin Billy alive. No one touched his lover and got away with it.

They had been running for what seemed like an eternity and Josh’s lungs burned with the exertion. He really needed to up his exercise regime if this was the kind of assignment he was going to get. He could hear shouting ahead, recognizing Cal’s voice. What the hell was going on?

Gil cursed loudly. “Fuck, I still can’t see anything.”

“None of us can, dipshit,” Rick said.

Josh ignored them and pushed himself forward, desperate to get to Cal. Suddenly the brambles gave way and they were out in a clearing. He realized they were by the edge of a railway line, a metal fence running into the distance toward the nearest station. He mentally plotted the path they’d run from the bungalow. They must’ve run for well over a mile. He stopped, hoping the two men behind him wouldn’t bowl him over. Josh’s eyes were fixed on Cal, and then he noticed Billy. What the hell did he think he was doing? No wonder Cal had been shouting. Billy had climbed the metal fence and now he jumped down to the other side.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Billy?” Cal said. “You know we’ll only find you again.”

Billy looked at them bleakly. “It’s not you I’m worried about.”

“We can protect you. Just come with us and we’ll make sure you’re safe.”

Billy’s bark of laughter was bitter. “You’ve got to be joking. You can’t protect me from her.”

Josh’s eyes opened wide as he realized Billy’s intention. “Not again.”

Billy turned and started making his way along the bank to the railway line, ignoring Cal’s order to return.

“Come on,” Cal said. “We’ve got to cut him off before he does something stupid.”

They had absolutely no chance of getting to Billy before then. None of them were as agile as him.

“Help me get over the fence,” Josh said. “I’m faster than you three. Give me a hand up, Rick.”

“No, Josh.”

Josh ignored Cal’s order and beckoned Rick to help him. He was lighter and more agile than the three tall men; he could get to Billy quicker than they could.

With a quick look at Cal, Rick gave Josh a hand to get started climbing the wiry fence. Josh scrambled over, cursing as the wire cut into his fingers, but he managed to get down without getting caught up. Billy was already by the track.

“Hey Billy, wait for me.”

He scrambled along the bank, but Billy just ignored him and kept walking. To Josh’s relief he didn’t seem anxious to go on the track immediately but he did keep going without waiting for Josh. Josh ran as fast as he could but the ground underneath was full of stones and he really didn’t want to break his ankle.

“For fuck’s sake, Billy, just wait for me.”

Billy looked over a shoulder. “Just let me alone, Cooper. There’s nothing you can do. I’m a dead man walking and you know it.”

“You should have stayed dead,” Josh snarled, exasperation getting the better of him.

Billy’s laughter was more genuine this time. “Well at least you’re honest.”

“Look, I don’t care if you go and throw yourself in front of the next train. I really don’t. You tried to kill me. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a waste of skin.”

“Then why are you here?” Billy challenged. This time he did stop and look over his shoulder.

Josh stared at him as coolly as he could manage, considering he was probably bright red and sweating from all the running. “I’m here because watching you jump off the bridge gives my boyfriend nightmares. He spent weeks thinking he could have done something different to save you and now he discovers you’re alive and painting your fucking house. Planning a new life in suburbia, were you?”

“I was trying to sell it and get the money to run away,” Billy muttered.

Josh curled his lip. “More debts, Billy?”

Billy sneered at him. “What’s it got to do with you, you little tosser?”

“Nothing,” Josh said. “But we need to know if you’re still working with Chyna Moles. Did you jump off the bridge to get away from us or to get away from her?”

“You already know the answer to that. I don’t give a toss about you, but she’s dangerous.” He looked over Josh’s shoulder. Josh didn’t turn around to see what he was looking at. “I’m sorry I traumatized Cal. I thought of everybody he’d

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