Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,53

you’re miraculously alive.”

“It took you long enough to find me.” Billy said it dismissively. “If you know I’m here, it won’t be long before she knows too. I’ve got to go.”

“You aren’t going anywhere, Wilde,” Cal said brusquely. “You don’t get to pull that suicide stunt on me and then vanish again after what you did.”

“Don’t you get it? She made me do it. I needed to get away from her. If she thought I was dead, then I could start living my life again.”

“What about the people you killed? They can’t start living again.”

Billy gave a derisive snort. “And what about the people we killed because the agency told us to?”

“It’s not the same thing.”

“Dead is dead, Ross. Chyna’s trying to avenge her brother’s death.”

“Too many people are dead, including your wife. And there were three attempted murders. You nearly killed Josh, and I can tell you, if you had succeeded we would not be having this conversation.” Cal’s tone was bleak, leaving no doubt what he meant.

“Who killed Mullins?” Josh asked suddenly.

“It’s got to be Chyna. I don’t know who else she was working with.”

“You need to come with us,” Cal said. “We can protect you from Moles.”

Billy shook his head sadly. “No fucking way. I’m sorry for the people I killed, but you can’t protect me from her. I told you before, the whole agency is corrupt. I’ll be killed before I ever get to trial.”

“What about Weatherly? Is she one of them?”

“No, I don’t think so. Her and Sir Gee were clean.”

“Why hasn’t Chyna just killed Weatherly? Why kidnap her?”

“To keep you in chaos. Be distracted chasing her. It’s worked, hasn’t it? You’re so busy looking for her, you’re not looking in the right place.”

Before Josh could question him further, Billy pulled a gun and aimed it at Josh.

“What the hell?” Josh muttered. “Again?”

“Put the gun down, Wilde. You don’t need to do this.” Cal tried to edge between Josh and the weapon.

Billy shook his head. “Stay where you are. I don’t want to shoot either of you, but I will if you come after me. You won’t take me into custody.”

Josh flinched at the crack of the Glock, deafening in the small garden. His ears rang. The distraction was enough and Billy disappeared.

Shouting in obvious frustration, Cal launched himself after the man. Josh doubted he’d find him. Billy most likely had an escape route planned. He ran after them both, praying Cal wasn’t stupid enough to tackle a desperate man with a gun. Then he stopped this ridiculous train of thought. This was Cal. Of course he was stupid enough.

He pressed Rick’s number as he pushed through the trees. Ahead of him he could hear Cal’s bitten-off curses as he struggled through the undergrowth. “In the garden – quick. To the back.”

“Was she there?”

“Fuck!” Josh got entangled in a particularly vicious bramble. “No, but we found someone else.”

Rick huffed heavily in his ear as he ran up to him, Gil hard on his heels. “I’m too fucking tired to play twenty questions, dipshit,” Rick said as he disconnected the call.

“Cal’s running after Billy. Watch the thorn things.”

Rick easily ducked the bramble that had lassoed Josh but Josh took satisfaction in hearing Gil’s yelp. “Brambles, not thorn things.”

“Who the fuck cares,” Josh snarled as he got tangled up again.

“He’s more slippery than a damn eel.”

“He’s desperate to stay alive,” Gil said, “and he’s got a psychotic woman after him. And us. Christ, where the fuck are we?”

The wall of brambles had gotten thicker, and they were fighting through the narrow trail.

“She’s going to get him first,” Rick said.

“If I end up with scratches I’ll kill him myself.” Frankly, Josh preferred Chyna’s vicious form of justice on the man who’d turned against his own, than prison for the next twenty years.

Rick chuckled in his ear. “Josh, every time I think you’re civilized you remind me you’re a savage.”

“Says the man who supports Millwall.”

“You don’t even know what Millwall is!” Rick scoffed.

“It’s a soccer team. I may be a savage but I can read,” Josh sniped.

“Jesus, shut the fuck up, you two,” Gil barked. “I can’t hear Cal.”

Josh subsided with a huff and they kept chasing after Cal and Billy. The path was so narrow Josh was covered in scratches from the overhanging brambles. But no one slowed down. Josh wasn’t letting Billy and Cal get away from him. The man had tried to murder them both, he wouldn’t hesitate to make another attempt. In the darkest recesses

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