Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,46

then he remembered they had eaten before he’d gotten up. Conversation was postponed while they finished their meals and ate the toast.

“The bread is amazing,” Cal said as he stuffed almost an entire slice into his mouth.

“Jesus, dude, manners. Close your mouth.”

But Josh’s scolding was said with a smile. Cal flipped him off and ordered more toast from the waitress.

“Plus orange juice and more coffee please,” Josh added.

“You guys are hungry.” The waitress grinned at them, obviously having gotten over her fear of their morbid conversation. She hurried away, leaving them alone again.

Josh sighed and sat back in his seat. His belly was full, the coffee was good and hot, and he was with his man. Just for a few minutes, life was good.

Cal’s phone beeped and he got it out to look at the screen. “Brenner is on his way. I guess we’ll be taking everything else to go.”

“Can’t we even have breakfast in peace?” Josh groused.

The phone beeped again and Cal grinned as he read the short message.

“Yes, we can, because suddenly everyone is busy. Gil told Brenner to return in an hour.”

“Aren’t we supposed to make ourselves available to the police?” Josh said.

Cal shrugged. “We’re working people. He’ll have to wait.”

“He won’t be happy about that.”

“If it means I can eat my breakfast I really don’t care.”

The waitress returned with four more slices of toast, a large pot of coffee which she used to top off their cups, and two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice. Josh almost moaned in pleasure. The toast went the same way as their breakfasts and the glasses were drained empty. They were just finishing the coffee when the waitress approached them a little hesitantly.

“Are you Cal and Josh?” she asked.

Josh sat up with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Who would be asking for them here? He glanced over to see the suspicious look on Cal’s face.

“We are,” he said warily.

The waitress reached into the pocket of her apron and pulled out a familiar midnight blue velvet jewelry box. “A pretty young woman handed me this to give to you. She said you were expecting it.”

“Did she give you any message?” Cal growled.

Wide-eyed now, obviously sensing that something was dreadfully wrong, the waitress said, “Just that you were expecting the box and you’ll be too late if you don’t get off your arses and run.”

Josh sprang to his feet, Cal doing the same. Cal reached into his wallet and pulled out five twenty-pound notes which he threw on the table. He grabbed the box before either of them could forget it.

“That’s way too much money,” the waitress said, obviously flustered.

“Believe me, you’ve just earned it,” Josh said. “And thank you for not looking in the box.”

Now she looked scared. “What’s in there?”

“Nothing good.” Josh flung the words over his shoulder as they hurried out of the café.

“Which place?” he yelled at Cal’s back.

Cal didn’t slow and his words were muffled. “The office. I didn’t want Brenner going to the new place.”

He thanked the goddess Farrah that the path was still fairly empty because Cal thundered towards their previous accommodation and didn’t seem like he was going to get out of anybody’s way. Josh followed him, feeling the heavy weight of food in his stomach slowing him down. Sweat prickled along his forehead and down his back despite the chill of the morning.

Cal nearly ploughed into a couple of elderly women, and Josh had to admire his skill in avoiding them. They sent curses after him which a sailor would have been proud of. Josh charged after him, admiring his speed. The man was fast in spite of his bulk.

As they approached the front of the building, still bearing the scars from the previous night, Dirk Brenner was getting out of a gray unmarked sedan.

“Get back in the car,” Cal yelled.

Brenner turned to face them, a familiar sneer on his face. “You don’t get rid of me that easily, boys.”

Cal reached Brenner before Josh did, tackling him to the ground.

“What the fuck?” Brenner yelped as he hit the tarmac with a thud. “Have you gone insane?”

Josh reached the two men and flung himself down beside them, Cal’s arm immediately going around his back to push him down further. He had no idea what was going to happen but here they were sheltered between the building and the car.

For a few seconds, Josh could only hear his and Cal’s heavy breathing. Then Brenner started to speak. What he was going

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