Hello My Angel - Sue Brown Page 0,45

time ago, Lyle even longer. It’s you and me now.”

Josh grunted with satisfaction, but he’d still work out where to bury the bodies in case Cal’s lovers ever crossed their paths.

“Let’s get something to eat then we can target Blackfriars station. You know Brenner is going to be over soon enough.” Cal smirked down at Josh. “You know, we are never going to meet my lovers, but we keep tripping over yours.”

“Dirk Brenner was never my lover. He was a hook up, and a bad hook up at that. And you fucked him too. More than me.”

“But it’s you he’s got the boner for,” Cal said smugly.

Detective Dirk Brenner was like shit on his shoe that he could never wipe off. But Cal had a point. He was unlikely to meet Cal’s lovers from half a world away but there was always a chance of meeting Josh’s hook-ups. Maybe not so much in London, but Seattle…there were clubs he was never taking Cal to.

Unaware of Josh’s thoughts, Cal steered Josh into a small café and they sat down to order breakfast. As usual Cal ordered the full English while Josh picked his favorite, eggs Benedict.

“Just keep the coffee coming,” Josh said to the waitress.

Cal rolled his eyes. “This isn’t America, sweetheart. You have to keep ordering the coffee here.”

If there was one thing Josh really didn’t like about London, it was the idea that in most places you only got one coffee. Where was that American diner he went to when they were hunting for Michaels? They understood about constant top-ups. He turned his mega-watt smile on the waitress, apologizing for being stupid.

“I’ll bring you more coffee,” she promised, fluttering a little.

Cal sighed. “Can we get back to business?”

“The police can’t really believe you killed Mullins,” Josh said.

The waitress squeaked and stumbled away. Cal rolled his eyes at Josh.

“Nice one!”

Josh shrugged, playing with the sachets of sugar in a small bowl on the table. “I don’t think for a minute they believe I killed him, but it suits Herring’s purpose to keep us away from the agency and the investigation. Having the police on our tail, distracting us and making life more complicated is exactly what he wants. With Mullins dead and Weatherly still missing, the Seagull’s got control of the agency.”

“Yes,” Cal agreed. “Which is what he wanted all along.”

“Do you think he was the one who offed Mullins?”

Josh asked the question just as the waitress came back. The coffee slopped over the rim of the cups as she put it down. He frowned at the waste of coffee, then he caught her wide-eyed expression. He apologized, and she smiled a little weakly, then scurried away as fast as she could.

“You know she’s going to be talking about the murderers for the rest of the day now, don’t you?” Cal grumbled.

Josh waved his hand dismissively. “She probably hears worse on a daily basis.”

“Worse than killing people?”

“We could ask her.”

Cal shook his head. “You’re incorrigible.”

“You still haven’t answered my question. Do you think it was Herring that tried to kill Mullins, not Moles?”

“No, I don’t think so. Herring and Mullins were good friends. Two weasels together.”

“We’re agreed Mullins’s death is a distraction, Brenner is just there to annoy us, and Moles is the one we need to focus our attention on,” Josh said, ticking off the names on his fingers.

“That sums it up. You and I can get rid of Brenner, everyone else can focus on finding Moles and Weatherly.”

Josh smirked at him. “Brenner wets himself every time he looks at you.”

“I’m not that bad,” Cal protested.

But he had a smirk playing about his lips too. Josh knew that Cal had the same protective streak as he did. If he could send Dirk Brenner screaming into the night, he surely would.

“Our waitress is coming back,” Cal murmured. “Try not to freak her out this time.”

Josh gave him a wide-eyed innocent stare, but Cal just rolled his eyes. They smiled and murmured thank you at the waitress, who vanished as quickly as she could.

“Do you think if we leave a large tip, she’ll forget about us?” Josh asked.

“Anyone leaving a large tip in this place will be remembered forever,” Cal pointed out. “But I think she’s earned it.”

Josh dug into his eggs Benedict, moaning with pleasure at the freshly-made creamy hollandaise sauce. Cal must have been hungry because he was hoovering his breakfast like he hadn’t eaten in days. Josh felt vaguely sorry for everyone else back at the office, but

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