Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,142


I stepped over the threshold. “No, I was only going to suggest using the doorbell. People are less likely to run.” After switching on a lamp, I looked inside the tiny house. “Flynn? It’s me, Robin.” The back door in the kitchen was visible over the pony wall that divided it from the living room on the right.

Christian headed that way.

I went behind a partition wall on the left and searched the bedrooms. The first one was empty and only contained workout equipment. The second bedroom was also empty, so I checked the bathroom. Whiskers covered the sink, towels were on the floor—still damp—and yet I saw no toothbrush or shaver. I returned to the larger bedroom and flipped on the light. A few clothes were askew on the closet floor, but all the hangers were bare.

I sat down on the bed just as Christian appeared in the doorway.

“The garage is empty,” he informed me. “The backyard is clear—no storage shed or place to hide. We should turn off the lights.”

“What for?”

“If he drives up and sees them on, he’ll know something’s wrong.”

“Flynn doesn’t have a car. Anyhow, he’ll know something’s wrong if he sees the door busted apart. I have a feeling he won’t be coming back.”

Christian furrowed his brow. “And how do you figure?”

“At first I thought he was a pig who doesn’t know how to clean up after himself. But look at that,” I said, pointing at the closet. “No shoes, hardly any clothes, and not a single jacket. There’s no travel bag, and what immortal or even human doesn’t have luggage?” I leaned back on my hands. “He split.”

Christian leaned against the doorjamb and folded his arms. “Viktor should have sent someone to the club.”

“It doesn’t matter. He won’t get far without a vehicle. Even if he did manage to get out of the city, we can check clubs and tattoo parlors since he has a special gift for imprinting light. If he took a bus, Wyatt can look into that. He mentioned coming from Manchester.” I shook my head. “Why did he cut and run? Even if he dumped a few of the bodies, he wasn’t the one who murdered them. Flynn’s a hustler, not a killer.”

“He’s just as culpable as everyone else involved. Your friend made his choice to become a declared outlaw. That means he’ll never have his life back. Bounty hunters will consider him an easy target.”

I tossed a sock on the floor. “I need to wrap up a few things at the club. There’s a bartender who might have information on Flynn’s whereabouts.”

“Need a lift?”

“No. I can flash there in less than three minutes.”

He shook his head and lowered his arms. “Why must time to a Mage always be relative to how fast you can run?”

I stood and shook out my tousled hair. “I can tell by your excitement that you don’t want to tag along. I need to check out of the hotel anyhow and grab my stuff. Meet you back at Keystone?”

“After I search the house. The little shitebag might have left behind a scrap of paper with an address.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice? Too bad Flynn’s smarter than that.”

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his soft lips.

Christian returned the featherlight kiss. “You make me feel things,” he said softly.

I got tingly just thinking about all the places his mouth had kissed me during our recent shower, but mentally exhausted, all I really wanted to do was finish my errand so I could curl up in a warm bed and sleep. After a drink.

Or two.

My hotel stay was on Viktor’s card, so I decided to swing by the front desk and let them know I was checking out. Once I made it to my room, I changed out of my boots and into a comfy pair of sneakers. The boots were too sexy to be flashing all over the city in. I had loads of money in the satchel I’d hidden in the closet, so maybe a cab ride was in order.

After collecting my things, I headed up the street toward the White Owl. The tops of the buildings were gilded in sunlight. Living in the country, I’d forgotten how beautiful the city was at dawn. The brisk walk got my blood circulating, making me forget the temperature was in the fifties. When I reached the club, most of the staff had left, and they were closing for the day.

“Simone!” I waved and caught her attention on her way

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