Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,141

habit, but we all have an understanding in case there’s an emergency on a high-profile case. We’re not exactly competing for the same jobs, so they’re not our enemies. I think a raid against a group of hostile women qualifies as an emergency.”

“Not all of them were women.”

“According to the files, the majority are. What went on down there before we showed up?”

I inched toward the door. “Mage against Shifter, but they wanted the Mage to win. Women against men.”

While Wyatt rambled on about reverse sexism, I stood in the doorway, trying to eavesdrop on what the men were discussing. Given the history of women in the Breed world, an underground racket like this wasn’t a real surprise. It made me wonder if, in another life, I might have willingly taken a job like this. I would be doing what I loved for money. Wasn’t that what I was doing now?

Christian stayed quiet, his arms folded and posture rigid. The Chitah did most of the talking, and I caught a few things here and there about the raid. The tough guy rubbed the tribal tattoo on his bicep, and I felt like I’d seen him before. The Breed world was a small one, and I occasionally ran into the same people in different bars and clubs. After another minute, the Chitah threw Audrey over his shoulder and headed toward the main elevator. The blue-eyed man clapped Christian’s shoulder before joining his companion.

I strolled into the hall and watched them disappear past the far door.

Christian turned and gazed at me earnestly. “It looks like someone’s getting a bonus. Good work.”

“I didn’t do this alone.”

“Take credit where it’s due.” He cupped the back of my neck and rested the pads of his thumbs by my ears.

When he leaned in, I tilted back. “I’m not kissing you with another woman’s blood on your lips.”

He gave me a crooked smile. “You’re complaining about a few drops on my lips when you’re drenched in blood?”

“That’s different. I didn’t suck on this person.”

Christian tossed back his head and laughed. When he regained his composure, he wiped a tear from his eye with the heel of his hand. “I would have passed my condolences to the unlucky lad.”

I rested my head against his chest and slipped my fingertips inside the tear in his shirt. Thank God this job was over. Hopefully I’d never have to see another sex club again. At least we’d freed the captive Shifters. That satisfied me more than capturing Audrey and all her little cohorts.

“The Shifters downstairs are victims,” I said. “Make sure nobody hurts them.”

“Aye, but our work isn’t done.”

I tilted back. “What do you mean?”

“We—or the Regulators—still have to round up everyone else who knew about the fights, including the fighters.”

“Flynn.” I sighed and turned my gaze upward. “He’s a paid scout who works at the club. Just when I thought I could have a little reprieve.”

“No rest for the wicked.”

“I know where he lives and what time he gets off work. Let me take a quick shower before we leave. I can’t go out like this or I’ll get arrested. Feel like coming along?”

Christian practically purred as he pulled me in close. “I could use a shower.”

“I meant to Flynn’s house.”

He lightly squeezed my ass before lifting me up. “I can do that too. Can I tear away your clothes?”

“No. I need something to wear.”

“I’m afraid Tide won’t take out those stains.”

“There’s a bag down below. Someone can bring it up.”

“Ah, then I can tear away your clothes,” he said, walking toward the shower room.

“If you insist.”

“Aye, Precious. I insist.”

Chapter 33

Christian parked his old Ducati in front of a small house. After dismounting, I rubbed my cold arms to get the blood circulating. The only clothes I’d stuffed in that plastic bag were a white tank top and black shorts. Christian had retrieved my boots, so at least my feet weren’t frozen from the bike ride.

Christian shut off the bike and stared at the house. A streetlamp cast light on a holly tree, which was in full bloom. “Are you sure he’s here?”

“It’ll be sunrise soon. According to his schedule, he gets off at 2:00 a.m. That was over an hour ago, so he’s had plenty of time to make it home.”

“What’s his Breed?”

I shivered. “Mage.”

After striding up to the porch, Christian gripped the knob and shouldered the door open. The wood splintered as the frame broke.

He glared at me. “I suppose you’re going to rabbit on about trying the

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