Haze of Obedience (Behind Closed Doors #3) - Maggie Cole Page 0,43

will touch her. I won't let them.

When this is over, she might not choose me. If she decides she doesn't want me, I’m going to have to let her go. I won't be able to protect her then.

The possibility rips through my core. I don't want to think about Zoe not wanting me when this is over, but it's probably going to happen. She's a goddess who can have any man she wants. I'm not in her world. Mine's so far away from what she's used to, she'd probably run the minute she stepped into it.

The clock next to the bed reads 4:15 a.m.

Time to get up.

"Zoe," I murmur and kiss her head. "Time to get up."

She stirs and turns into me. Her lids are barely open. "Mmm."

I stroke her hair. "We have to get moving."

"Mm-hmm." She reaches up with both hands and glides her fingers in my hair. Her body pushes against mine, and she pulls my head down to her lips.

Like always, I fall into her kiss, consumed by the heat she sets off in me. Within seconds her body is on top of mine. Her already wet sex teases my cock that's been aching all night.

In Spanish, she murmurs, "I could smell you all day."

My eyelids fly open. That's what she said the other morning when she wasn't fully awake.

I stop the kiss. "Wake up, my Little Diva."

"I am." She still doesn't open her eyes fully and moves her hips, inching on my erection and crushing her lips back to mine.

I hold her hips firm so she can't sink anymore.

I should get a medal right now.

She opens her eyes.

"Morning," I mumble.


"Sorry to wake you. We need to get going before it gets light out."

"How long until the sun is up?"

"Maybe an hour."

"Oh." She glances at my lips then back to my eyes.

My heart beats so fast I can hear it.

"Do you want to use the bathroom or anything before we go?"

"Maybe later." She kisses me again, and even though my hands hold her firmly, she wiggles her lower body.

She's going to regret this, and then so will you.

I roll her on her back and pull out of the kiss. "I'll go first. We should leave." I peck her and high tail it to the bathroom. After I close the door, I put my hands on the counter and look at my reflection in the mirror.

What did I just do?

She isn't awake.

Yes, she is.

She's naked, wants to have sex, and you left her.

Oh crap. What did I do?

I open the door to go back out, hoping she's still in bed, but she's already dressed. I step behind her and wrap my arms around her. "Hey."

She pushes out of my embrace. "Good, you're done." She quickly steps into the bathroom and shuts the door.

Great. Another awesome start to the day.

When she comes out, she stands by the door. "Ready?"

"No. I need to use the bathroom."

"I thought you did?"

"No. I—"

"You better hurry up then. Time's obviously of the essence."


"Can I wait for you outside?"

"No. It's dangerous."

"Okay. Hurry up, so I don't leave then. I'm ready for some air."

"Don't say stuff like that."

"I need air. Can you go do your thing?"

I exhale. "Don't open the door." I go into the bathroom and quickly do my business.

The moment I step out, she begins to open the door, but I shut it with my palm.

She jumps.

"What are you doing?" I bark.


"You can't just yank the door open and step out."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

She rolls her eyes. "By all means then, do whatever it is you need to do so I can get some air."

"You have to move for me to do that."

"If you would step back, I could move."

"Fine." I obey.

She shoves past me and waits with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" I mutter.

"Yeah, I woke up next to you," she mumbles back.

Yep. I messed up big time.

"Zoe, I—"

"I really need air. Can we please go?"

"Fine." I slowly inch the door open and stick my head outside to make sure no one is around. I shut the door.

"What are you doing?"

"It's raining."

"So? Let's go."

I go to the closet and open the drawers. "Bingo." I pull out two ponchos. "Put this on."

We put the rain gear on. I take her hand to lead her outside, but she snatches it back.

"Are you going to hate me all day?"

"Never said I hated you."

I snort. "Could have fooled me."

"Can we go, please?"

I double-check that the

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