Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,98


“I will do it. You grow our young one, I will do all else,” he said as he reverently placed his hand over her lower belly when she unzipped her jeans.

“Even undressing me?” she asked on a laugh.

“Even undressing,” Lo'San answered. His gaze moved from her belly up to her face. He looked lovingly into her eyes. “I am the most gifted male in all of existence. I have you, and we will have our young one. Nothing will ever compare to the joy you bring me.”


Ba Re’ stood in the serving line in the commissary alone. He stared at the food and waited his turn to be served. He didn’t notice anyone around him, nor did he make any effort to interact.

“Sink Lar, I will ask Ba Re’ to eat with us,” Lo'San said.

Synclare glanced up from her plate and looked around the expansive commissary until she found him standing in the serving line. “I still can’t believe he and Elisha didn’t work out. I hurt for him.”

“As do I,” Lo'San answered. “Shall I invite him?”

“Yes, please do,” Synclare said.

Lo'San rose and walked toward Ba Re’. He was standing right beside him and actually had to call his name to be noticed. “Ba Re’, will you take your meal with Sink Lar and myself?”

Ba Re’ looked at Lo'San, and it became immediately apparent that he had no idea what Lo'San had asked.

“Sink Lar and myself would like your company for lunch today,” Lo'San repeated.

“I am not very good company,” Ba Re’ answered.

“You do not have to be, we are,” Lo'San answered with a grin.

Ba Re’ gave a half-hearted chuckle.

“You will join us, yes?” Lo'San pressed.

Ba Re’ looked over toward Synclare who offered him a little wave.

“Very well,” Ba Re’ agreed.

Lo'San stayed beside Ba Re’ as he worked his way through the line, and then escorted him back to the table.

“Hello, Ba Re’,” Synclare said brightly.

“Synclare,” Ba Re’ answered. “You look well. You both do,” he said.

“Thank you. I’m still so tired, but I don’t mind it all that much,” Synclare answered.

“It will not be long and you will get no sleep at all. Best get it while you can,” Ba Re’ teased with a sad smile.

“How are you?” Synclare asked.

Ba Re’ looked up from the food he’d begun to push around his plate and shrugged. “I am waking up every morning. I am performing my duties. I make myself eat, then I go to bed to start again the next day. It is all I can do,” he answered.

“I’m sorry, Ba Re’. I’m not going to tell you you’ll get over it. You most likely won’t, but with time it will get easier,” Synclare said.

“Is she hurting?” Ba Re’ asked.

Synclare looked from Ba Re’ to Lo'San. “I… I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to her since she left for the Consortium. But I do know she wasn’t as happy with the situation as she wanted everyone to think she was.”

“It was her dream to work with the Consortium as a translator, or liaison for foreign dignitaries. It is why I asked Quin to speak to Bart and ask for her to be given the opportunity,” Ba Re’ said.

“Sometimes we don’t know what we want until it’s taken away from us,” Synclare said.

“I know that humans do not feel the same recognition that we do when we find our Ehlealah, but do you think she notices that I am not part of her life anymore? Do you think she feels the loss?” Ba Re’ asked.

“We may not have that inborn instinct that screams he’s mine! But, there is no denying I was drawn to Lo'San even before I knew he wanted me, too. And the same with Rosie, and for Vivian. Even Ada Jane was sad to leave Kol behind when she went home without him. We may not have the exact same reaction you do, but to some degree, there is still a connection on our side. And once it’s established, it’s as strong as yours is to us. So, yes, I think she’s acutely aware of the fact that you’re no longer beside her. I’d bet she’s second guessed herself a dozen times each day since she’s been with the Consortium,” Synclare said.

Ba Re’ nodded and looked down at his food.

“You should reach out to her,” Lo'San said.

Ba Re’ shook his head. “I insisted she accept my claim. I tried everything I knew to make her accept me. I tried to tempt, I coerced, I became angry, I

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