Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,97


Doc stood there, thoroughly confused. “Of course you wouldn’t be having additional treatments. They’re not necessary. Why would you continue with treatments when you’ve already conceived?” he asked.

Lo'San’s face turned pale.

Synclare sat herself up in his arms, and blinked her eyes several times to be sure she was awake. “What did you say?” she whispered, afraid to believe what she thought she’d heard.

Doc looked from Lo'San to Synclare and back again. “Did neither of you get my message?” he asked.

“What message?” Lo'San finally squeezed through his tightening throat.

“You’ve conceived! The reason the treatments failed is you were already with young. Your body became so violently ill because it was actively ridding itself of the hormonal treatments we forced upon it. You are with young, Synclare,” Doc said with a grin.

“I’m…” she said, with a catch in her breath. “I’m, I’m pregnant?” she asked.

“Yes. You are,” Doc answered, glad to finally be able to deliver the news.

Synclare, still held in Lo'San’s arms, turned her face to him. “We’re going to have a baby,” she said, as tears began to spill from her eyes.

Lo'San set her on her feet and took her face in his hands. He smiled down at her, as his own eyes seemed to develop a sheen. “We will have a young one, Sink Lar! Our very own,” he said.

“I believe you were already expecting when you first came to me for treatments. I did perform our routine tests for enzyme levels that would indicate a pregnancy with any of the females we standardly treat. I did not think that the levels would be different for humans as it remains in such a predictable level for all the other species we treat. I was wrong, and for that I apologize. It wasn’t until Synclare stated that with her overactive emotional state one would think she was already with young, that it occurred to me that it may be the very reason the treatments weren’t working. I contacted the healers who work with the Consortium, then went a step further and contacted Consul Kol Ra’ Don Tol. He put me in touch with several human healers. I sent the results of your last blood tests that I’d marked negative for the pregnancy enzymes we usually measure for. They came back positive. And I stand before you offering my sincerest apologies and thanks. You’ve suffered needlessly, and taught me much about your species, Synclare.”

Synclare was laughing and crying. “It doesn’t matter! I’m just so happy. And if I could help you learn more about our physiology, it’s fine,” she said, turning back to Lo'San. “We’re gonna be parents!” she cried, throwing herself into his arms again.

Lo'San laughed and held her closely, sharing in her exuberance.

“I have but one more question,” Doc said.

“Of course,” Lo'San said.

“What medication was she given?” Doc asked.

“The same one that you prescribed for her reaction to the treatments. She gave Synclare double the dosage. I feared she was still suffering from its effects, causing her to sleep excessively,” Lo'San said.

“I clearly stated in my message that she should not take any more of it! It could have been harmful!” Doc exclaimed. “Come, Synclare. Allow me to examine you properly.”

“We never got a message,” Synclare said, following Doc as Lo'San trailed along behind her, holding fast to her hand. “When did you leave a message?”

“I left a message on your com unit near the end of the day of your last treatment,” Doc answered.

“My mother was sitting with you. I have no doubt she heard it,” Lo'San growled.

“It may still be there, I haven’t checked recently,” Synclare answered.

“I checked. When I discovered you missing I checked the unit, hoping that you’d left some word of your whereabouts on it. It is empty, no messages at all,” Lo'San told her.

“Have you experienced any pain, or any bleeding?” Doc asked.

“No, not since the effects of the last treatment wore off,” Synclare answered.

“It is likely all is well, then. Let’s confirm it, then we’ll make all the observations necessary to log your progress,” Doc said.

Synclare smiled as Lo'San lifted her and placed her on the examining table before she had time to even take her clothes off. “I’ll need to put on a gown,” she told Lo'San.

“I will help with that, too,” he answered, reaching for the folded disposable gown that was lying on the small pillow at the head of the table.

“I can do it,” Synclare said, still grinning. She’d not stopped grinning since she’d learned that she was indeed

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