Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,76

as Rokai stepped up beside him.

“I thought you had access to all quarters,” Rokai asked.

“I do,” Lo'San said.

“Then open the damn door!” Rokai complained.

Lo'San looked back at the door and swiped his hand over the sensor, then the two of them stepped into the quiet interior of the living area of his parents’ temporary quarters. “Mother!” Lo'San shouted.

Sounds could be heard from the bedrooms before Lau'San rushed into the living space. “Lo'San! What is the meaning of this?” he asked.

“Where is my mate?” Lo'San demanded.

Mee'ta entered the living space, tying the sash of her robe around her waist. “Lo'San, what has happened?” she asked, coming to a stop when she saw Rokai standing beside Lo'San.

“You tell me! What have you done with my mate!” he demanded.

“I have done nothing but give her the medication you left for her. Is she ill? Was it too much? I followed your directions explicitly!” Mee'ta insisted.

“Where is she?” Lo'San repeated, his voice deep and deadly now. The spines on his shoulders were beginning to break through his clothing as they grew in size and the darker spots of rough skin on his temples, cheeks and forehead were beginning to expand with his anger.

“She’s sleeping, my son. Or she was, the last time I saw her. Is she not in your home?” Mee'ta asked.

“She is not. The ship’s computer has stated that she is not on board this ship,” Lo'San growled. He stepped closer to his mother and looked down at her intimidatingly. “If I find you’ve harmed my Sink Lar, or are behind her disappearance in any way, you will be sorry I was ever born,” he threatened.

Mee'ta shored up her courage in the face of a threat by her own son. “When you find your mate alive and well, I will be here waiting for your apology!” she said haughtily.

Lo'San turned and stormed out of his parents’ quarters, leaving Rokai to face his mother and father.

“You better hope she’s safe, or I’ll help him hide the bodies,” Rokai promised with a smile.

Mee'ta hissed in a shocked gasp as her hand flew up to cover her throat. “I would never harm that dear child. She is on board somewhere, I have no doubt!”

“If she’s not, I’ll be back,” Rokai said, before turning and leaving their quarters. “Missy! Where is Lo'San?” he asked.

“General Lo'San appears to be returning to his quarters, Elite Commander Rokai ahl,” Missy answered at once.

As Rokai set a path for Lo’San’s quarters, he realized that Missy was able to tell him exactly where Lo'San seemed to be heading, yet she couldn’t find Synclare. “Fuck,” Rokai cursed as he hurried to catch up with Lo'San.

As soon as Lo'San and his very scary friend had left their quarters, Lau'San turned to Mee'ta. “What have you done?” he asked, shaking his head and looking at her as though she was a stranger.

“Nothing! And who are you to question me?!” she answered defensively. “I take it as a personal attack that you, my first husband, thinks it acceptable to question me! You are a part of my household, not the other way around. Do not forget your place, Lau'San!” Mee'ta snapped.

Lau'San stood there looking at her, the sinking feeling in his gut telling him all he needed to know. His mate was somehow involved with Sink Lar’s disappearance. “If they find a way to prove you responsible, you will have much more to deal with than taking offense at my questions. I hope for your sake, and mine, that I am wrong,” he said quietly, before walking out of their quarters.

“Where are you going?! Get back in here this moment!” Mee'ta demanded.

Lau'San stopped walking and looked back at her. “I’m going to help my son search for his mate. You would think as his mother you’d be doing the same.”

Mee'ta stood where she was with her mouth hanging open as she looked at the place her first mate had just been when he spoke to her so disrespectfully. Then she realized that he was right. She needed to at least make the effort to seem concerned. Hurrying after her first mate, she schooled her features from an expression of irritation to one of concern and even managed to produce a few tears as she made her way to her son’s quarters to give the impression she was as worried about his worthless mate as he was.


Synclare stretched her legs out below her and her arms above her as she began to wake. She rolled onto

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