Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,34

we need to address,” Lo'San said.

“Oh? Very well, should we speak here on deck?” he asked, indicating the doors leading onto the Command Deck, “or should we go to the small conference room?” Quin asked.

“I will be mentioning names, so perhaps the conference room is best,” Lo'San agreed.

Both men turned and walked toward the conference room just down from, and across the corridor from the Command Deck. Once inside and seated, Lo'San began his informal presentation.

“Much has happened recently. You have claimed your Ehlealah, Kol has left us for a temporary position on Earth, I’ve claimed my female, and Ba Re’ will inevitably claim his as well. We are short handed in those who are prepared to stand in as Lieutenant Commanders should we need one.”

“True, but, we are no longer classified as a war ship. We are now a diplomatic envoy stationed near the universe in which Earth is located. Constant monitoring as though we are on high alert is not necessary,” Quin countered.

“I agree. However, we always have one of us on deck,” Lo'San said. “Just as we still have all of our battle cruisers on board, equipped and ready for immediate service, and our Elite Warrior Team aboard as well.”

Quin grinned. “I see no reason to lower all our defenses.”

“Exactly. My point being that we should at least replace Kol’s position as a possible relief for our own.”

“And I’m assuming you have someone in mind,” Quin said.

“Elite Warrior Re’Vahl. I have watched him recently. I’ve been quite impressed with him. He is all that an Elite Warrior should be, as well as exhibiting leadership qualities. In addition, I find him to be quite good natured and even tempered. I feel he’d be a perfect candidate,” Lo'San said.

Quin nodded. “Interesting. I’ve just finished training with them. He is quick and fleet of foot. I find I enjoy his company as well as his sparring.”

“Our lives are changing, Zha Quin. We will have families. We will be called away for some reason or other from time to time. With Kol gone, it means we may not be able to attend our mates, or our families as we’d like. If we take Re’Vahl as his replacement, we are all given a bit of breathing room,” Lo'San said.

Quin just looked at Lo'San, and Lo'San realized that Quin was looking at him, but his mind seemed to be somewhere else after Lo’San’s last comment. “Zha Quin?” Lo'San asked.

“Yes. Sorry, just thinking about something you said. Please continue.”

“I said that if we replace Kol as a Lieutenant Commander aboard this ship, with Re’Vahl, it would give us all a relief when needed.”

“You are correct. We should replace Kol’s rotation with Re’Vahl, should he be agreeable to the change in status and duty. I think promoting him to Lieutenant Commander would be best. He would not be able to remain as an Elite Warrior and be considered an equal among them, but he could very easily step in anywhere he chose as he will be learning many new responsibilities both when he is shadowing us on the Command Deck and when he is not,” Quin said.

Lo’San nodded. “I agree. We can allow Rokai to find a replacement from the Warriors who are waiting for the chance to become an Elite Team member.”

“I’ll have Rokai contact Kol and find out if he’s had his eye on anyone,” Quin said.

“Excellent,” Lo'San commented.

“I’ll speak to Rokai, and Ba Re’, and we’ll call Re’Vahl in for a meeting this afternoon. No reason to wait,” Quin said.

“I’ll be ready,” Lo'San agreed.


Synclare rolled over in bed as the main com unit in her home began to ping from the living space. She opened her eyes and blinked, trying to focus on what had awakened her. Remembering that she’d been asleep after taking medication to ease her reaction to the fertility treatments, she cleared her voice and spoke to Missy.

“Missy? Who is calling?” she asked.

“Good afternoon, Synclare. There’s a call for you, from Eschina,” Missy answered.

“I don’t know anyone from Eschina,” Synclare answered, puzzled, as she allowed her eyes to drift closed again. Then they popped open. “Eschina!” she said, suddenly more alert. “That’s where Lo’San is from! It might be news of his family. I have to answer it,” she said, throwing back the covers and making her way toward the living space as quickly as she could.

“The pending communication is a vid com. Perhaps you’d like to dress appropriately before answering, Synclare,” Missy asked.

Synclare looked down at her body.

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