Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,33

her bond-mother could still be a part of these goings on, and delicately made her way to Ko’San who stood a few feet from her.

“Of course you are correct. I know that you are just as powerful. You are a fine protector and an even better provider. You are my favorite of all my husbands. I simply think that it would be a mistake to not repair any familial lines that have been broken, especially when that family line has a direct link to Sire Zha Quin Tha Tel Mo’ Kok of the Cruestaci. Who knows? We may wish to one day ask a favor of them, and as it stands we’d not be heard. His taking a mate is a sign of his growing maturity. Now is the right time to make the first step in repairing our relationship with your brother. These were the points your mother made when she first asked me my thoughts on the matter, and I agree with her. Surely, you can see the benefits, too,” Ph‘eel said coyly.

“I can understand that much. But I see no reason to visit him. I do not wish to spend time with him,” Ko’San stated with an edge in his voice.

“Nor do I, but your mother has requested that we accompany her. I’ve agreed out of gratitude since she’s raised and groomed the perfect match for me… you!” she said, showering him with kisses as she leaned her delicate body against his. “Make me proud, my mate. Escort us, along with your father, to Command Warship 1 so that your mother, and all of us, may make peace with Lo'San and reunite a family long broken,” Ph‘eel said seductively with a bit of a pout on her beautiful face.

When Ko’San didn’t answer, Ph‘eel upped her game. “I thought this to be our chance to spend some time alone since it will be your parents and Lo’San visiting most frequently. But, I guess I was wrong in my thought you’d like to be away from here and our mates, to be with me only for a small period of time. I shall ask another of our mates to escort me,” she said.

“No! I will take you. No other will have this privilege,” he said.

At once Ph‘eel’s smile turned sly and manipulative as she glanced back at her bond-mother’s image on the tablet angled toward them. “I’m so happy to hear that, my Ko’San. Can you manage to be kind to your brother long enough for your mother to repair their relationship?” she asked.

“I can,” he answered.

“Very well, we’ll make the arrangements. You may return to the fields, but be sure to attend me in my chambers this night. You shall be properly rewarded for your willingness to assist us in our endeavors,” Ph‘eel said.

Ko’San smiled when Ph‘eel presented her cheek for him to kiss. He kissed her, then took the liberty of kissing her again before taking his leave and disappearing from the room.

Ph‘eel walked over to the tablet and picked it up, but waited until she saw him striding across the exterior gardens toward the fields before she spoke again. “It is done. We’ll be there on the guise of repairing our family. But I’ll see to it that Lo’San’s female, whoever she is, is disposed of. Once he is brought down by her desertion of him, I’ll be there to ease his pains. We will bring him home again, Mother ‘San.”

“We cannot allow him to mate with any who is not of our species! It will muddy our lines, and cast shame on our family name even more than he already has. I simply cannot abide by it!”

“Do not worry, Mother ‘San. I’ll take care of it all,” Ph‘eel said. “Once there, Ko’San will be emotional and in need of my constant affirmations. He will be more than willing to do my bidding regardless of what it may be in order to gain favor with me. We will put an end to whatever mating Lo'San thinks he may have established, and cause Lo'San to return to us both at the same time.”


Zha Quin was striding down the corridor toward the Command Deck when he looked up and saw Lo’San approaching from the opposite direction. “General Lo'San!”

“Sire Zha Quin Tha — thank you for answering my request for a meeting.”

“It is no trouble. I’ve just finished training with Rokai’s team. I have time left before I am to report for duty.”

“I have noticed an area I feel

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