Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,22

Are you still on duty?” Quin asked.

“I’m back on duty, here to relieve you. Go home,” Ba Re’ answered.

“You’ve been on duty as long as I. Go back to your Elisha. Speak with her as we discussed,” Quin said.

“This is not the time. She returned from her girls’ night inebriated and offering herself to me,” Ba Re’ explained.

“Was Vivi inebriated as well?” Quin asked, standing from his command chair, concerned about her getting home safely.

“No, she was not. She escorted Elisha home, then left to go home herself. You should go home to your Ehlealah,” Ba Re’ said.

“You should go home to yours,” Quin countered. “I have worked much longer shifts than this. It is not a hardship for me.”

“Commander?” Missy asked, interrupting their conversation.

“Yes, Missy,” Quin answered.

“Sirena Vivian wishes that I advise you she is home and safe.”

“Thank you, Missy,” Quin responded, smiling to himself at Vivian’s thoughtfulness to let him know she’d returned to their quarters. He returned his attention to Ba Re’. “You see? My Vivi is home, I can stay here.”

Ba Re’ shook his head. “It’s best for me to be away from Elisha. She is not thinking clearly and it’s very difficult to continue to refuse her… offers.”

“It will not last, Ba Re’. She will come around,” Zha Quin promised.

Ba Re’ simply nodded, unwilling to discuss it any further. “Go home to Vivian,” he repeated.

“If you’re sure,” Quin answered.

“Absolutely. Go home.”

“Very well. Thank you, Ba Re’. I will not be long. I will take a short rest and return before Lo'San is scheduled to return to duty in the afternoon.”

“Do not rush. I am in no hurry. I cannot rest anyway, I may as well be here,” Ba Re’ answered.

Quin patted his old friend on the shoulder. “It will get better,” he said encouragingly.

“It has to,” Ba Re’ answered.

Quin turned and headed toward the doors.

Ba Re’ looked down at the sleeping mountain of spotted fur on the floor beside the Command Deck and called out. “Quin!”

Quin paused and looked back at Ba Re’.

“You forgot your Kitty.”

Quin shook his head. “Kitty!” he said loudly enough to wake Vivian’s pet.

Kitty opened his eyes but gave no indication that he planned on moving.

“Come, Kitty,” Quin insisted.

Kitty yawned and stretched, but otherwise didn’t move.

“Fine. Stay here, I’m going home without you,” Quin snapped and walked through the doors that whooshed open at his approach.

Kitty scrambled to his feet and bounded after Quin, knowing that home meant Vivian. Finally his person would be there waiting for him and give him lots of pets and scratches.


Synclare gradually woke and stretched her body as she turned over beneath the heavy warm blankets covering her. She settled back in to sleep a bit longer, then became acutely aware of a warm body right behind her. Her eyes popped open and her breath caught as it took her a moment to remember the last evening’s occurrences. Lo'San. Her Lo'San was at her back, sound asleep.

Synclare smiled to herself as she turned to look at him, laying her head on the pillow beside his. He was beautiful. His gray lashes lying against pale silver-gray skin, and the messy tousle of his tuft of white hair put her in the mind of an angel asleep in the bed next to her. His cheekbones were chiseled and high, yet not so prominent that they looked unnatural. His lips were only a bit darker than his skin color and pursed in his sleep like a petulant toddler. And as she admired him, his eyes fluttered open and focused on her.

“Morning,” she whispered.

“Good morning, my mate,” he responded, reaching out a hand beneath the covers to curl around her waist and pull her closer against him. Lo'San kissed her forehead and curled his body around hers, preparing to drift off to sleep again. Then his eyes popped open again. “I should be on duty!” he said urgently.

“Well, can’t you call them or something?” Synclare asked.

“It is Sire Tel Mo’ Kok I relieve from duty! I must report at once,” he said, jumping from bed and scrambling to pull his clothes on.

Synclare sat up in bed, holding the blankets against her chest to cover her nakedness, and watched him hurry to dress.

Once he’d finished, he rushed to the door, then rushed back, taking her face in his hands and kissing her passionately. “I love you, my Sink Lar. I’ll make arrangements for a bigger home for us, and I’ll request time off as is allowed to all newly mated males

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