Hardwood - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,30

a mess when I bought it. Fixing it up was a nice project.”

“I bet. It must be nice to be handy. My kitchen sink has had a small drip for a year that I’ve pretty much just ignored because I don’t know what else to do with it,” he confesses.

“I can take a quick look next time I come over. I’m no plumber, but it’s probably something basic. You might just need a good caulking.”

“Tell me about it,” he agrees. “Oh caulking. Yeah, totally, that.”

I quirk an eyebrow at him and laugh when his face goes red. “If anyone’s mind should be in the gutter, shouldn’t it be mine?”

“There’s plenty of room down here for all of us,” he assures me.

I show him to the living room, realizing once we sit down that I left my laptop out and open when I left the house earlier.

“Oh shit.” I close it quickly so he can’t see what I was looking at.

“Porn?” he guesses. “Don’t be shy, if you found something good, you really should share it with your friends.”

“It wasn’t porn. Although, that goes both ways, feel free to send me any interesting porn links you find.”

“Honey, I’m not sure you want to open that floodgate. But if you’re feeling brave, I’m sure I could fill up your inbox with links,” Watson says, grinning wickedly. My cock perks up at the image of him enjoying himself with some porn. Without my permission, my eyes dart to the crotch of his pants.

He laughs again, letting me know I’m totally busted. “And you’re claiming I’m the one with my mind in the gutter.” He tsks and shakes his head. “So, if it wasn’t porn, what’s so secret on your laptop?”

“It’s nothing,” I lie.

“Come on, we’re best friends, you said so yourself.”

“I was setting up a dating profile,” I confess. “I didn’t finish it though. It’s probably a bad idea.”

“Let me see.” he insists, waving at me to open the laptop back up.

“It’s bad,” I warn, opening it up and logging on. I pass him the computer and sit back to wait as he reads my half-finished profile.

There’s a half smile on his lips as his eyes are glued to the screen. I watch as different emotions pass over his features as he reads— amusement, tenderness, a cringe or two.

“This isn’t horrible,” he says.

“It’s not great,” I hedge.

“No, it’s not,” Watson agrees. “It’s fixable though, if you’re serious about posting it.”

“I don’t know,” I admit. “I started it on a whim this morning while I was sitting here thinking about my friend’s wedding coming up in six months and how much I’d love to have a date to take.”

“You want my honest opinion?” he asks.

“Please,” I say emphatically, sitting forward with my elbows on my knees, ready to hear whatever truth he’s about to lay on me.

“These sites are great for hookups, but not so much for finding the kind of guy you’ll want to take to a friend’s wedding.”

I sigh. “I kind of figured as much.” Leaning back, I pull my hat off and toss it onto the coffee table, dragging my fingers through my hair. “Where do I go to find the kind of guy I’d want to take to a wedding then?”

Watson snorts a laugh. “Babe, if I knew that, I wouldn’t be forty and living alone with a hedgehog.”

He closes my laptop and sets it back on the coffee table, leaning back and giving me a look that’s part sympathetic, part amused. Our knees bump against each other, and he darts out his tongue to wet his lips, looking away from me. Everything inside me is chanting that I don’t need a dating site, I just need to lean forward and kiss the guy sitting right in front of me.

“Do you still want to watch Rent?” he asks before I lose my mind and listen to that voice in my head.

“Oh yeah.” I grab the controller and find the movie on Amazon.

Just like with Grease, I watch him more than I watch the movie, enjoying every expression that crosses his face, and the fact that he knows every word to all the songs.

He stays late, not even protesting when I offer to make dinner.

When he finally leaves around nine, I walk him to the front door, waiting while he puts on his shoes.

“This was fun, thanks for feeding me twice in one day. Keep that up and you may never get rid of me,” he teases.

“Don’t tempt me,” I reply

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