Hardwood - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,29

me. “So, this is all I need to start with?”

“Food, toys, water bottle, chews…” I list off each item in the cart, trying to think of what I could be forgetting. “Oh, some little hideouts.” I grab a plastic igloo off the shelf and toss it in. “That should do it to start with.”

“Great,” he says. “She’s going to flip. She’s been asking for a pet for ages, and I think it’s a great way for her to learn some responsibility.”

My heart flips and flutters at the adoration in his voice when he talks about his daughter. Among the many flaws of my various exs is that none of them have been crazy about kids. Just another mark in Ev’s favor of being the perfect guy…the perfect guy I know I shouldn’t get involved with.

We head up front to pay, and Porter finds his way over to say hi while we wait in line.

“Hey,” I greet him with a hug. “How’s it going? How’s school?”

“Good,” he says. “Heavy course load this semester, but I like it.” He shrugs and blushes as his eyes dart between me and Ev.

“This is my friend, Everett,” I introduce them.

The cashier calls next, and Ev starts to load his items onto the conveyor belt.

“He’s hot,” Porter whispers to me.

“Tell me about it,” I agree with a quiet laugh.

“Is he your boyfriend?”

“Sadly, no.”

“Too bad,” Porter says. “Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I’ll see you later.”


Sadly, no. Did Watson mean that or was he just joking around with his friend? I glance back as Porter walks away. Watson turns and smiles at me, and my heart jumps. Is it silly of me to enjoy these feelings a little too much? I’ve never let myself have a crush on a man. In the past, I shut the feelings down as quickly as possible, doing everything in my power to avoid being around anyone I was interested in. It’s nice to indulge in this feeling of excitement over every small look and casual touch. When he adjusted my baseball cap in the parking lot, I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest.

I finish paying for my things, and we head back outside. “I wonder if that Mexican place is any good.” I nod toward the restaurant down at the other end of the strip mall.

“It’s amazing. Their margaritas are to die for,” Watson says.

“All right, let’s do that then.” I drop my bags off at my car, and we walk down to the restaurant. “Should I assume you know the life story of every cute guy who works here too?” I tease as I hold the door open for him.

“No,” he answers, rolling his eyes at me. “Only two of them.”

We order a couple of margaritas and table side guac once we’re seated.

“Any fun plans for Halloween?” Watson asks after we order our meals.

“Other than going with Val to take Livi trick or treating? Nope.”

“Seriously? Nothing else?” His eyebrows go up like he can’t believe what he’s hearing.

“No, what else would I have planned?”

“You do realize that Jack’s annual Halloween party is legendary, right?” he asks.

“Um, no?”

“You have to come,” Watson declares. “You don’t have Livi that night, do you?”

“No, but I don’t know if I should.” I’ve always thought of Halloween as more for kids.

“Oh my god, seriously, you’ll have so much fun,” he insists. “Please come?” He gives me puppy dog eyes and sticks out his bottom lip.

“Do I have to wear a costume?” I ask, wrinkling my nose at the idea.

“What kind of question is that? It’s Halloween, of course you have to wear a costume.”

“I’ll think about it,” I concede. If anyone else was asking, it would be a flat no off the bat.

Our food comes, and we eat and talk, lingering for a little while over our margaritas. It almost feels like he’s as reluctant to call it a day as I am, slowly sipping his drink even when it’s little more than ice left.

“Do you have anything to do after this?” I ask when we finally get up to leave.

“Nope, nothing.”

“Want to come over and hang out for a bit?” I offer. “We can watch Rent,” I tempt.

“You really don’t need to throw in a musical to entice me,” he says with a chuckle. “But I’m in.”

He follows me back to my house, and when we get there, I give him a short tour of the place.

“This place is really nice,” he says.

“It was a bit of

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