Hardwood - K.M. Neuhold Page 0,26

be patient with a gay virgin. I’m sure that’ll go over really well on the dating apps.”

“First of all, I know I’m sexy as hell and endlessly fabulous, but if you think the gay dating world is always easy for a cuddly man like me, you’re dreaming. We all have our obstacles to overcome. And in the grand scheme of things, being inexperienced isn’t a big deal. I’m sure for a lot of guys it’ll be a turn on.”

I want to tell him that anyone who wouldn’t want to date him needs their head examined, but the words get lodged in my throat, so I just nod instead.

“Second of all,” he goes on, “are you seriously using a dating app, because I’m a pro at this point, and I’d be happy to help you tweak your profile if it’s not attracting the right kinds of men.”

“I was speaking more metaphorically,” I answer.

“Oh, well, if you decide you want help setting up a profile, let me know. Honestly, a shot of your hairy, chiseled abs as your profile pic should have men banging down your door to deflower you.”

“That’s mildly intimidating. I think I’m going to try to start slow, maybe get to know someone a little bit, take him on a date or two first.”

“Traditional, I like it.” He nods approvingly. “Oh, I love this part.” He sits forward with an excited expression on his face as Danny and Sandy are reunited for the first time with disastrous results. I have no idea how many times he’s seen the movie, but I’m guessing it’s more than a few. Still, he laughs and lights up as if it’s a brand new experience. It’s endearing as hell.


We demolish our food, and I focus on the movie to keep myself from thinking about the fact that Everett has never kissed another man. It’s taking all my strength not to bat my eyelashes at him and offer to be his first kiss just so I can have the pleasure of feeling his nerves melt into lust as I press my lips against his. I’m not sure why, but he totally gives off the vibe that he’s the kind of man who will whimper and moan against my tongue as I slip it into his mouth.

Fuck. I groan at myself internally as my cock hardens at my train of thought. I glance over at him out of the corner of my eye to see him watching the movie, occasionally turning his head to watch Fermata play in his little playground on the floor.

“Livi’s been asking about a pet, I wonder if she’d like a hedgehog,” he muses, setting his empty container on the coffee table and putting his feet up.

“They’re really great pets, but they can be a bit of work. I’m not sure they’re the best beginner pet,” I say. “I’d get her a Guinea pig. They’re friendly and pretty easy to take care of.”

He nods thoughtfully. “I’ll have to do a little research. I bet she’d like that.”

“If you need any help, let me know,” I offer.

“Thanks,” he says. “It might be fun getting under Val’s skin by becoming the favorite parent for a minute.”

I laugh. “It seems like you two get along well.”

“We do. She’s been my best friend since high school,” he confesses. “You’d think that would make it easier to stop dragging my feet and just come out to her already.”

“Not necessarily.” I reach over and put a friendly hand on his knee. It’s totally to comfort him, not because I really want to inch it up his thigh. I’m not going to do it, even though I really want to. Focus, he’s telling me about his ex-wife.

“I’m afraid she’s going to hate me,” he admits, taking off his hat and running his fingers through his hair before replacing it.

“For being gay?” I ask. She didn’t strike me as the type, but he obviously knows her a hell of a lot better than I do.

“No, not exactly.” He fidgets in his seat, dragging his hand over his stubbled cheeks and glancing down at my hand on his knee. I pull back quickly, settling my arm over the back of the couch so I’m not tempted to touch him again like a creep. “We weren’t sleeping together. And I don’t just mean not having sex. I had moved into my own bedroom years before we divorced. We said it was because I snored, and it was keeping her awake, but we

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