Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,55

and heading toward the waterfall. It takes no time at all for me to climb down, and once I get to the bottom, I smell the thick scent of mating on the air. T’shen and his mate have been busy, then. I see their bare feet underneath some of the vines on another ledge and decide I will not interrupt. I like them being here alone…because it means I get my time alone with H’nah above.

I fill the skins and then quickly climb back up to where my mate is waiting. I half-expect to see her up and about, but H’nah is curled up on the furs, her rounded pink hips nearly exposed thanks to the thin strip of her loincloth shifting to the side. I stare at her rounded buttocks, my mouth dry, and then remember my task. “Fresh water,” I tell her. “T’shen and B’rukh will not be coming up for a while, I think. They are busy.”

“I bet,” she murmurs, sitting up to drink. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For taking care of me.”

I shake my head. To say such a thing is silly. There is no thanks necessary. She is my mate and of course I will take care of her. To imply that I would not is insulting. I take one of my leather tunics from inside my pack and rip a strip off of it, then gently bind her hand.

“You shouldn’t have done that.”

I look up. “Done what?”

“Ripped your tunic. Those bitches take forever to sew. Ask me, I know. Making my own clothing sucks.” She sighs and leans her head back against the leafy wall. “I need to ask Brooke what her secret is. She always looks good in her tunics and mine look like potato sacks.”

I think of T’shen’s mate, but I cannot say that she is more appealing than H’nah. To me, no one is more appealing than the female in front of me. “I have never noticed what she wears.”

“You haven’t? With her stuff hanging out?” She gestures at her teats and then chuckles. “I thought all men noticed boobs.”

“I notice yours,” I point out helpfully. “But not hers. I do not care about hers at all.”

She chuckles again and then frowns down at her hand.

“Hurts?” I ask. I hate that she is in pain. When she nods, her face tight, I decide perhaps it is time for chakk leaf. It will not dull the pain much, but she will no longer care. I get to my feet and pull several of the large leaves off the vines, sniffing them to make sure they are what I think. I put one on my tongue and the unmistakable tang of chakk bursts in my mouth. Tingles rush up my arms and legs and I quickly spit the chakk out. She needs me to stay alert. I bend down next to her and offer her the leaves. “Chew slowly.”

“Am I about to get high?” She looks up at me, her expression trusting. “You won’t let me do anything stupid, will you?”

“I will not.”

“Are you going to get high with me?” She puts one leaf in her mouth and her eyes widen in surprise. “Whoa, that is…a taste.”

“Not a good one,” I agree. “And no, I will not be eating chakk with you. I will be watching over you and taking care of you.”

She pouts.

“I am not the one with the hurt hand,” I tell her, amused.

“Party pooper.” She puts another leaf in her mouth and chews, wrinkling her nose and making a disgusted face. “How many of these do I need to eat?”

“You will know when to stop.”

“That’s what she said.” A snort escapes her, and she giggles. “Wow, I just snorted.”

My lips twitch with amusement. “I think the chakk is working.”

“Shut the chakk up!” she blurts out and then howls with laughter, her hand clutched to her chest. “Oh my god, that’s so funny.”

“It seems to be potent for humans,” I comment dryly. It is a good thing I did not take more. I will need to keep a close watch on H’nah so she does not giggle her way right off the ledge. “Do you feel better at least?”

“Much better,” she agrees, and then blinks at me. And blinks again. And again. A silly smile curves her mouth. “You’re so pretty.”

Her words startle me. “You find me appealing?”

“Oh, god yeah.” H’nah sighs, the sound so lusty and hungry that it makes my khui—and my cock—respond. “You’re just…and those arms…and that hair…and those lips…”

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