Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,54

what this does—”

She breaks off with a yelp, staggering backward as a loud, sizzling sound crackles through the air. The light surges for a moment and then returns to normal. I snag H’nah before she can stumble backward off the ledge and pull her into my arms.

“I have you,” I tell her again, pressing my face against her neck as she shudders against me. “I will not let you fall.”

“I shocked myself,” she says after a moment, shaking. She lifts her hand and shows me fingers blistered bright pink, the skin rising up. “I think I dropped your knife, too.”

“I will find it later,” I promise her, nuzzling her neck. “Are you all right?”

“Hurts,” she admits, but she does not pull away from me. If anything, she burrows closer to my chest.

“I know a leaf that will fix that,” I promise her.

For some reason, that makes her giggle. “The one you smoke?”

I love the sound of her laughter. “No, but we can do that too, if you like.”

“Let’s just get down for now.” She shudders against me again. “Give me a moment and I’ll get on your back again.”

“I have you like this,” I tell her. “Just hold onto my neck with your good hand.”

She nods, trembling, and I know she must be in pain because she does not protest my carrying her. She buries her face against my shoulder as I carefully ease us back down the vines, taking extra time to ensure that she does not feel unsafe. For me, I have climbed vines and ledges since I was a mere kit. I could do this with my eyes closed…and I am glad that I am here with H’nah instead of one of Tall Horn or Shadow Cat, because they would not be able to carry her like I can.

Even just thinking such a thing fills me with jealousy. I do not want the other clans anywhere near her. She is mine—my soft, sweet, human mate.

We move back to the main ledge, near the entrance, and I set H’nah down gently on her feet. She winces and moves to the nest we have made of our skins and pulls out her waterskin. There is only a bit left, but she pours it on her hand, wincing in pain.

“Do not waste your water,” I tell her. “There are better ways to cool a burn.”

“I’m open to suggestion,” she tells me, and it is clear she is fighting back tears of pain. She holds her wrist, cradling her injured hand against her teats.

I move to the leaves of the heart-fruit plant and pull a few of the smallest ones off, then shove them into my mouth. Bitter numbness coats my tongue but I keep chewing, ignoring it, and then move to her side. I place the wad of chewed leaves on her fingers, knowing that they grow cool when the leaves are broken and the juices run. Even now they coat my tongue in ice, and I lean in and blow on her outstretched fingers.

She shivers. “That feels good.”

My cock responds and I nearly grab a fur and shove it into my lap so she will not be distracted by my erection. H’nah is not looking between my thighs, though. Her gaze is locked on her hand and the burn there, and I feel guilty for even thinking of resonance right now.

I blow on her hand again, then gently press the chewed leaves against the burn. “We can wrap this and let the leaves do their work. If it is very painful, I will go and get you snow.”

“It’s okay for now,” H’nah whispers. “The leaves are helping. Thank you.”

I pick up the waterskin she emptied and shake it. Mine is empty, too, and our spare is fermenting peel-juice because I had to show off to my mate. “Are you thirsty? I will go get you some water.”

She hesitates, then nods and lies back on the furs. “I’m sorry to be a pain in the ass.”

“My ass feels no pain where you are concerned,” I reassure her.

She giggles.

“I will be right back. Do not move from that spot.” I point at her, my tone scolding. “If you do, I will be very angry.”

“I’ll stay right here,” she promises solemnly, but the indention in her cheek is back, and so is her smile, and I am relieved. I want her smiles all the time. I sling the waterskins over my shoulder and jump down the ledge, moving down the vines quickly

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