Hannah's Hero - Ruby Dixon Page 0,53

The air is sultry and thick up here, the cave walls narrower, and when I look down, I can see all the way to the very bottom of the cave, to the pool below. I have been this high before many times in the trees, but it must be new for H’nah, because she squeals and clings to me and acts terrified. It does not matter that I have one hand behind my back to help support her, or that I would never let her fall—she trembles against me as if she fears for her life.

“I can take you back down to the bottom,” I tell her as I reach for the next ledge.

“Just don’t drop me,” she says again, her voice sharp in my ear.

“Never. We are almost there.” I am not sure how she plans on ‘fixing’ this light if she will not even open her eyes, but she swears she will do it, so I trust her. “Two more ledges,” I promise her.

“Two more,” she echoes, panting in terror. I can feel her body against mine, slippery with sweat. “I can do this. I can do this.”

I reach for another handful of vines and ease myself up and across the next ledge. “Do you think you can do this ‘fixing’ from my back or do you need to sit down?”

“Oh,” she breathes, and I hear an anxious squeak as I move to the final ledge. “Oh god, we’re up super high, aren’t we?”

“I told you I will not let you fall.”

“Yeah, but I might let me fall.” She reaches a trembling hand out for the vines, and I shift my weight so she is that much closer to the wall itself. The ledges here are narrower than they were down below, but still wide enough to comfortably support a person. I hold onto her by her belt, another hand on her thigh as she moves toward the ledge. “Don’t let go of me, okay?” she says suddenly, her voice full of panic.

I…have a hand on the inside of one thigh and another close to her buttocks. My cock strains against the front of my loincloth at this realization, but I manage to nod. “Of course not.”

H’nah casts me a grateful look and then pulls the knife out of the belt sheath and approaches the big, blazing light. I hear her suck in a breath when it flickers again, sending the cave into darkness for a moment before lighting up again. “My old apartment had a light fixture that would flicker every time it got loose,” she tells me in a trembling voice. “It just needed tightening. For some reason it’d always get loose again so I’d have to tighten it every couple of months, and I got pretty good at it. I’m hoping that’s just what this needs.” She brandishes the knife. “Let’s hope it’s using something like a flathead screw and not a Phillips, right?”

“I do not know what those things are.”

“I know. I’m just talking.” She gazes at the light and then brushes vines away from the side of it, revealing more flat, shiny things that came from the ancestors, and more tubes. “There’s a lot of stuff here. Buttons and wires and such. Let me poke a few things and see if there’s anything loose.”

I remain where I am, half-hanging from the vines at the top of the cave with my right set of hands on H’nah’s body. She trembles less knowing that I have my grip on her, and so I force myself to concentrate on what she is doing instead of the softness of her thigh, the heat of it against my skin, how naked and dewy her flesh is. She mumbles to herself as she works, wedging the knife in against a few of the components, but my focus is more on her hips and the scent of her skin. Did ever a female smell so good? Is she resonating as hard as I am?

“I think I got it,” she says triumphantly, watching the light. “There was this wire that was almost completely loose and I moved it back into place.”

We both hold our breath and the light does not flicker. Not once.

H’nah shoots me a pleased look and I grin at her. “You are very smart.”

“Just used to old junky fixtures, I guess. Let me make sure nothing else needs tightening.” She turns back to the components, studying them, and then touches a knob that sticks out. “I’m not sure

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