The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,62

skewered to the work top.

She turned to him in horror, pain and revulsion, not able to move her hand at all. She was about to shout out when she saw the dark flash of Sebastian behind the girls eyes and she cowered in fear.

Sebastian grabbed her hair, revealing her neck. He grabbed another knife from the rack and cut open her jugular. Blood spurted out.

He forced his new body to taste blood for the first time - to bring his mouth to the girls neck and drink deeply. Pleasure swelled inside him as the warm intoxicating liquid flowed down his new throat. His power ignited within, increasing with every gulp. She went limp in his arms and he let her go, left her dangling with her hand still skewered to the counter.

Sebastian walked away and inspected himself in a small mirror fastened to the wall.

He was a mess. This girl, who had been immaculately dressed when he had possessed her, was now smeared with blood. Her bleached hair, which had been tightly pulled back in a pony-tail, was still in place - but was splattered with dots of red. Her eyes, which had been a dirty green, now looked black - like they stretched to infinity.

He smirked at himself. He was one step back on track. Soon he would track down Daniel.

Soon he would end this.

But first he needed more power. He needed his ashes. He needed to find a witch.

That would not take long. In fact - he knew one who lived in Hartland. He would force her to do the spell, and she would comply.

He strolled through the house.

He was ready to take his next victim.


Daniel had to wait until morning before the next plane left.

It was a frustrating time but he made the most of it; practicing doing the spell over and over in his mind.

Finally he was on the plane. It was taking off.

He longed to see Sarah, his heart ached thinking about her. He wanted to hold her and kiss her. He thought back to the taste of her blood and he wished to drink it. She had tasted exquisite, more amazing than he could have imagined. Much more vibrant than the victims he had consumed to fight Daniel.

He was too hyped to sleep and spent the rest of the flight consumed by his thoughts and his desire to finish this.


Sebastian heard a shower running and walked slowly up the stairs, listening hard for other sounds from the house.

He knew there were six people still alive.

He could hear deep breathing coming from a few rooms. He suspected most people were too intoxicated to have been woken by the commotion he had created downstairs.

Hmmm, what should he do first; take a sleeping victim or a clean body fresh from the shower? He hesitated.

He didn’t want everyone to wake at once, and if he stepped into the bathroom covered in blood - whoever was in there would surely scream. He wasn’t sure if he had strengthened himself enough yet to take them all at once.

He slowly crept towards a bedroom. He heard light snores emanating from within so he opened the door quietly. Enough light was peeking through the curtains to see a young man lying on his back, arms flung out at his sides.

Sebastian moved towards him and snuck under the covers too, nestling against the warm body. He stroked his fingers down the man’s bare chest and up around his neck.

He wanted him at least partially awake before taking his life.

He ran his hand back down the man’s chest. He was good looking with blond hair and a sporty physique. But he smelt of alcohol and weed.

It was strange being in bed with a man, in the body of a woman. His desire was mixed up. He wasn’t exactly attracted to the man, but the body he inhabited obviously was.

He let those feelings in and kissed the neck of the man before him, leaving bloody marks on his body. The man stirred and tightened his arm around Sebastian, rolling towards him. Sebastian felt him harden against the girl’s body.

Sebastian moaned; a girl’s whimper escaping him, as hands started to pull up the skirt he was wearing. That was it - he was awake enough - he didn’t want whomever was in the shower to discover the body downstairs and escape.

Sebastian leant in and bit into the man’s neck. The man froze in his pursuit of pleasure - in panic and pain. Sebastian felt his previously Copyright 2016 - 2024