The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,61

with considerable amounts of power. You need to give it all you have. Project the mark at the urn and, as you do, infuse it with this power. The more power you put in; the harder the spell will be to break.’

‘And that’s it?’ He asked, hoping it was.

‘Yes, be careful you follow each step in order, or it won’t work,’ she teased, although her eyes betrayed her seriousness.

Daniel rose, picking up the urn. ‘I must leave, I’m sorry. Thankyou so much, you have no idea how happy I will be if this works.’

Heather rose too, and walked with Daniel to the door. ‘Pop by sometime, it would be good to catch up when your need is less urgent.’

‘I will. I owe you Heather.’

She brushed his words away with a hand gesture, ‘Nonsense,’ she said.

‘Do remember if you need my help - I am more than willing,’ he said.

‘I will. Goodbye Daniel. And good luck.’


Daniel stepped back into the night. He made sure no-one was watching before transforming into a buzzard. When he transformed whatever he was holding, including his clothes, changed too. The extra weight didn’t hinder him.

There would be no taxi this time.

He flew off at high speed; towards the airport, feeling exhilarated from the sensation of the wind against his feathers. He would board the next plane back to Sarah, and hope to God that he wouldn’t be too late.


Sebastian waited through the night. He didn’t feel the cold, or feel the fear of darkness.

He was the darkness.

As the sky lightened he saw lights flicker on in the house.

His desire for life and blood simmered in his essence.

He concentrated hard on his form and took on the appearance of a bat. He was ready to swoop when the first body stepped out the door. He sensed it was about to happen, heard the key turn in the lock, and waited impatiently as he heard exchanges of farewell inside.

A girl stepped out and he swooped into her heart, asserting his will to take over her body. She stopped stock still, fighting him inside her.

She was resolute he would not take her.

But Sebastian knew what to do now - he pushed himself inside her mind and took over each neuron as it fired. He was taking over her every thought.

Once her mind was his, her body would be too.

As he took control at last; a shiver ran through her body and he knew she was his.

He could feel what she could feel. He could form thoughts in her mind, make her act as he pleased and he could talk with her voice.

Sebastian looked down at his body. Again he had possessed the body of a teenager, but not a high school kid. This girl was dressed smartly in black. She was probably a receptionist or something - she most likely still lived at home with her parents.

He wrenched the door back open, but of course he still could not enter. He bubbled with anger, but fought to control it. He still had to get someone to let him in.

‘Mom?’ He called, his voice surprising him. It was far higher in pitch than he was used to.

Another tired looking teenage girl stumbled into view. ‘What are you - delusional? Why are you asking after your Mom?’

Great - thought Sebastian, an annoying sibling or a house full of dysfunctional teens?

‘Well, aren’t you going to ask me to come back in, so you can check on my sanity?’ He called to her.

‘Why would I do that? Just come in you idiot.’

That was enough for him. He stepped over the threshold and followed the annoying girl. He saw her up ahead, with scruffy black hair, which looked dyed, and smudged makeup around her eyes. She was wearing black pajamas and had a scowl on her face.

She turned her back to him and began to fill a cheap kettle. Sebastian considered just jumping her and taking her life, but what would be the fun in that?

He looked around the kitchen and saw the knife rack. He pulled out a large one - the one that looked most like a slasher knife, as it would torment her the most.

‘Hmm, what shall I do with this?’ He asked her, while approaching her side.

‘Loser,’ she said, not even glancing at him.

He brandished the knife and as she put her hand on the counter he swung it down. She didn’t notice the motion in time, barely flinching before the knife was through her hand and she was Copyright 2016 - 2024