The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,45

He saw houses and had a sense of active minds, warm bodies.

He reverted to a dark mist and drifted out of the forest, slowly moving towards the town of Hartland.


When they were ready Daniel took Sarah’s hand and led her out of the hotel - it was deserted, no owners or other guests in sight. Outside Sarah breathed in the fresh air, cool and fragrant, the smell of wood smoke mingling with pine. It reminded her of Daniel’s smell and she leant into him, inhaling his scent.

Daniel led her around the side of the hotel, where a rough drive led to a car park. A jeep was parked there - the only vehicle - and Daniel walked over to it. The jeep was unlocked and Sarah climbed in when Daniel opened the door for her. He was around at the drivers’ side within a second and climbing in. Sarah leant over and put her head on his chest, wanting to be close to him before they were with her family again. He reached his hands around and held her tight, she smiled as he kissed the top of her head.

She had on odd feeling of uncertainty. She knew things had changed. Sebastian was gone, and Daniel had said he would stay. But would he? She couldn’t imagine a normal life with him. A normal life with a vampire? And what was she going to do now if he didn’t stay, how was she going to cope by herself? How was she going to afford to exist?

She started to rise and took his face in her hands. She smiled at him sadly and he leant in and kissed her. It made her heart ache.

She pulled away and did up her seatbelt as Daniel started the car and pulled away.

They were soon at her parents’ house. Sarah opened her door and smiled as she saw her mother’s face at the window. She wondered how many times her Mom had looked out, worrying for her. She heard a shout from within the house and the door was flung open.

‘Sarah! You are ok.’ Her Mom ran down the steps and flung her arms around Sarah.

‘I’m so sorry Mom, you must have been going mad.’

‘I can’t believe you got lost, you know those woods so well.’

‘We searched so far, and I was worried - I kept pressing on. It got dark and we couldn’t find our way back,’ Sarah said. She knew she was repeating the same thing she’d said on the phone - the problem was, she didn’t know what else to say. ‘And Daniel doesn’t know this area very well. Where are Megan and Bea?’

As she said their names they appeared at the door with her father, Bea in his arms.

‘Mommy, I missed you.’ Megan shouted as she too ran down the steps. Alice let go of Sarah so she could pick up her elder daughter and give her a big hug.

‘I missed you too sweetheart.’ Sarah said while hugging her hard, glad to see her again. Reluctantly she put Megan down and went to her Dad.

‘I’m sorry Dad.’

He smiled and gave her a one-handed hug, ‘I know - don’t worry.’

Bea reached out and Sarah took her, cuddling her soothingly.

‘Mommy home,’ Bea said. Warm comfort spread through her as she hugged Bea, her fluffy hair, still damp from the bath, against Sarah’s cheek, Bea’s chubby arms around her neck. Sarah gave her little cheek a big kiss. Megan was hanging onto her other leg, so she let one arm go and stroked her head, while Bea still clung to her.

Sarah glanced up at Daniel. He was hanging back - looking hot - not involving himself in their reunion. But at a glance from her he stepped forward.

‘Keith,’ he greeted her father. ‘I’m sorry too, I can’t believe we got lost. I’m also sorry I wasn’t at work.’ Daniel had been working in the same office as Sarah’s Dad, helping him to sell cabins in the woods. Getting a job had been Daniel’s way of blending in in a new town.

‘Don’t worry - I’m glad you kept her safe.’

‘Any word on Jo?’ Daniel asked.

‘Unfortunately not. We’ve had the police ‘round - in fact I’d better call them now, let them know that Sarah’s safe.’ He patted Daniel on the shoulder and walked off.

Sarah was glad her parents weren’t asking many questions, relieved it wasn’t going to be too difficult after all. She followed her Dad into the house, and everyone else came in Copyright 2016 - 2024