The Guest & The Change - By M. D. Bowden Page 0,44

and it had such an effect on her, his scent full of pheromones, making her crazy for him. Her hands wrapped around his entirely too sexy bum and pulled him against her, falling back onto the bed. She felt her heart wrench as he stepped away from her for a moment, but he quickly pulled off her jeans and jumped onto her, agilely supporting his weight as he landed, his body touching her gently. But she didn’t want gentle - she pulled against him furiously - and his weight intensified on top of her. He kissed her passionately again, running his fingers through her wet hair, sliding them down over her breasts. She contracted against him and he pushed his erection into her, making her gasp.

He began easing into her slowly, but his pace increased and she felt herself melt into him, their rhythm turning them into one creature, moving together. She exploded around him, feeling him climax at the same time. She felt incredible, nothing like she’d ever experienced before. So alive, captivated by his very being, his masculinity and irresistible magnetism.

She basked in the moment - she wanted to lie with him there and hold him, but she was still full of energy, and they had so much to talk about, and her family to see. She sat next to him, stroking her hand across his chest and smiling mischievously. She reached over and grabbed the hairbrush from the floor, tackling her tresses as she continued to gaze into his eyes, as her legs pressed against his side. She felt electricity travel over her body from where she touched him.

She forced herself to deal with what was needed - talking about plans and family.

‘Daniel,’ she started. She grinned and he returned her look with amusement, his presence distracting.

‘What is it?’ he asked.

‘Nothing,’ she said. Actually, she didn’t want to talk about it all yet - she just wanted to see her kids. They could talk about Sebastian and all that had happened later. ‘We need to get going - I really want to see Megan and Bea.’

‘Of course, let’s get ready,’ he replied, smiling at her understandingly.

Sarah’s heart melted at his look - how was he this beautiful?

She finally untangled her hair and rose, Daniel rising with her. He started to rummage in his draws for clean clothes. Sarah pulled her clothes back on and sat on the floor, hurrying to dry her hair with the hairdryer - thinking about their plan, their situation.


The dark mist drifted through the trees, seeking refuge. It tried to think, but couldn’t do it properly - its thoughts were all jumbled, melting into each other. It couldn’t form sentences in its mind. Yet its unsubstantiated form burned with anger and was intent on revenge.

In moments of enhanced clarity it realized what it was, who it had been. Sebastian. That name rang true - he knew it had been his. He had been a person, a vampire. His life had been sucked out of him by Daniel. He had lost his body. Now what was he - a ghost, a remnant of humanity?

He was simmering with too much rage to notice the odd sensations of his new form. He couldn’t touch or talk, his perceptions were altered and he felt removed from reality. One minute he was looking about, seething at Daniel, the next all was black and his mind was blank. It was like he’d ceased to exist.

A part of him realized that to exact revenge he would need a form. What could he do as a shadow? The problem was, how was he going to acquire one? This was all new and he didn’t know what to do. He had tried focusing his energy, trying to make himself whole. When he did this his swirling dark essence took form, looked human, but he still couldn’t effect his environment. He had tried to blur himself with a tree, and later a rabbit, but each of these had been unsuccessful. He thought he had felt some kind of connection with the rabbit but it didn’t stick, he couldn’t stay within it long enough to influence its thoughts.

A new idea surfaced inside him, not within his mind but in his intrinsic being. He saw himself blurring with a human, visualized the sensations he would experience, the control he would gain. This idea grew like a spark in his darkness, his awareness opened up and he sensed the presence of people not too far away. Copyright 2016 - 2024