Grip Trilogy Box Set - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,169

explodes inside me, his passion warm and liquid. “God, what are you doing to me?”

Making you more mine every time.

A smug, satisfied smile rests on my lips a few moments later. He’s still inside me, and I’m slumped onto his chest, the steering wheel digging into my back. I know we need to move. There’s a sticky mess between my legs, and we could get caught at any moment, but I can’t stop kissing him, my tongue in his mouth sustaining our intimacy like a note held at a conductor’s command.

“We need to go,” he whispers, his breath still labored, his palms starting at my feet folded under me and sliding up my thighs and under the panties I never took off. He fills his hands with my ass, the leisurely caress of a satisfied man, and I revel in the fact that I did that. That I satisfy him.

“Hmmmm.” I snuggle deeper into him.

“Bris.” His hands wander over my back and then coax my bra straps into place on my shoulders. “For real, we need to leave before we get caught. We already had one close call today, and that wouldn’t exactly be the low profile we’re supposed to be keeping.”

“You’re right. I’ll move in a second.” I chuckle, eyes closed and depriving my other senses so I can fully absorb the scent of him. “You were the one who couldn’t even make it home.”

“True.” He pauses, lifting my head from his chest. “What you said at my mom’s house . . .”

“I meant every word.” I frame his face between my hands, my eyes latched with his. “I’m going wherever you go.”

“And you think I would object?” He tilts his head, his eyes so warm as he looks at me. “You’re everything I wanted before I even knew what I was getting.”

I kiss him thoroughly, deeply, surrendering everything before pulling back to smile down at his contented expression.

“You wanted me, you got me.” I kiss him one more time, branding him mine as surely as I’m branded his. “Be careful what you wish for.”

Chapter 28


IT SHOULD SCARE me how much I missed Bristol after just one day away from her, but it doesn’t. I fully embrace my addiction to the girl. Luke and I flew out to join Kilimanjaro for the show in Chicago, their hometown. Bristol’s brilliant last-minute idea of Prodigy solidarity, but even that one day without Bristol has me fiending. We’ve only been official a few days, and I don’t sleep right without her. I’m so bent out of sorts waking up alone in an empty bed that I had Sarah change our flight to the earliest out this morning so I could get home sooner.

I need my girl.

“You don’t wanna go home first?” Amir asks from the seat beside me.

The SUV picked us up at the airport, and I told the driver to go straight to the Prodigy offices.

“Nah, I’ll take my stuff home later."

A knowing grin spreads across Amir’s face. His eyes drop to my bouncing knee. “You got it bad, don’t you?”

My knee stops bouncing long enough for me to scowl at him, but I can’t hold back an answering smile. He’s watched Bristol and me from day one. Knows the full story. I turn my head to watch the cars zooming by on the interstate.

“Damn right I got it bad,” I mutter. “Look how long it took to get her.”

“How was she after . . . well, you know?” Amir lifts his thick bushy brows. “Dinner.”

“She’s Bristol,” I say wryly. “She’s fine. Ask me how my mom is. That’s a better question.”

“You guys talked since Sunday?”

“Have we talked?” I pffft. “She’s called me like eight times. She felt bad about the way things went down, but she still wants to talk sense into me. She thinks I’m in some kind of phase with Bristol. It’s not like I haven’t dated white girls before. I’ve dated Black girls, Asian, Latina. Everything in our species.”

“Yeah, but you ain’t ever brought a girl to Sunday dinner. Ms. Mittie knows you’re serious about Bristol. She knows you think Bristol is the one, and she ain’t okay with you marrying a white woman. She told us that when we still thought girls had cooties.”

“Ma has been consistent, but Bristol is the one. She always has been. She just had to trust me to be her one.”

“It’s like that?” Surprise stretches Amir’s face from top to bottom. “So, y’all are already talking marriage?”

“Hell, no.” I laugh at Copyright 2016 - 2024