Grip Trilogy Box Set - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,168

And after a few moments he gives them to me.

“That was amazing,” he says softly. “You’re amazing. There’s nobody else I’d choose.”

Relief and gratification burst in my chest and push out on a long breath.

“You’re not . . .” I swallow the lump that’s refused to leave my throat since I heard the truth of what they thought about us, about me. “You’re not mad?”

“At you?” He rests his elbows on the steering wheel and drops his head into his hands. “If anything, I’m mad at myself. I was so eager for you and my mom to . . .”

He trails off, shaking his head and grabbing my hand, linking our fingers on the middle console.

“I messed up.” His eyes offer an apology. “I put you and my mother in an awkward situation. I should have handled it differently.”

“It’s okay. Hopefully in time . . .” A fragile laugh slips from me. “Like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”

Grip’s tender smile reaches across the small space separating us, and he kisses my fingers meshed with his. The brush of his lips drops feathers in my belly. I pull in a breath to suppress the shivers even that soft touch sets off across my skin.

Grip’s smile fades, and the air thickens between us, making it harder to breathe. He leans across the console, takes my chin between two fingers, and kisses me, softly at first. As soon as I open, inviting him into me, his mouth demands my surrender. With a needy moan, I open my heart wider, taking as much of him in as I can. The kiss becomes compulsive, something I couldn’t stop if I tried. My lips, my hands, seeking and hungry. His response, possessive, ravenous.

Grip hauls me over the middle console, squeezing me between his chest and the steering wheel, fitting my thighs on either side of him, shoving my dress up around my waist to expose my lacy panties. His hand wrings in my hair, pulls my head back, holds me still.

“I love you.” His eyes probe mine so long I’m sure he plucks my thoughts from my mind, the emotions from my heart. “What you did back there, what you said . . .”

He presses his lips to mine, groaning against my mouth, his tongue diving in over and over until my head is spinning. I hold onto him, my arms clamped about his neck. He digs into my hips, urging me over him in a rolling rhythm, in the groove he sets. I assume the pace, riding the hot beam of flesh and steel behind his zipper. He lifts me to capture my breast through the thin cotton. He doesn’t nibble at me like a delicacy. He gobbles at my nipple, pinching with his lips, nipping with his teeth. He shoves the collar aside with his chin, suck- ling me, singeing me through the sheer layer of my bra for long seconds before pulling my arms out of the dress, leaving it a strip of bunched material encircling my waist. He jerks the bra straps down to cage my elbows and finally takes my naked breast into his mouth.

“Oh, God.” I rise and fall over him, my thighs trembling. “I need this.”

“I know.” He slides a hand into my panties, rubbing my slickness between his fingers. “Please say you’re ready for me.”

“I am.” I drop my lips to his neck, sucking the skin roughly. “Get it.”

He doesn’t bother removing my panties, but shoves them aside. I can’t wait, fumbling with his belt and zipper. He’s hot and hard in my hand as I position myself and slide down, the scrape of flimsy lace against our joined flesh only intensifying the pleasure. He’s wide and thick, and there’s still a sting when his body insists past my tightness, still a kiss of pain underlying the rapture as he drills all that dick to the bottom of me. Oh, but God, it’s worth it.

“Shiiiiiiiit.” Grip’s brows scrunch, bottom lip trapped between his teeth, head dropped back against the headrest. “I wanna die this way. In here. Inside you. Just like this. Promise you’ll fuck me on my deathbed.”

Laughter erupts in the luxurious confines of the car, mine and his.

“Oh my God,” I gasp, laughing but so close to coming I already see spots. “You’re crazy.”

I twist him impossibly deeper into my body, wanting to feel him where no one has ever been. Where no one’s ever touched me.

“Bristol.” My name bursts from his mouth as he Copyright 2016 - 2024