A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,78

of an altogether different variety. Jen had taken one look at it and laughed until Sally thought the woman was going to pass out. Bethany had eaten her entire baby shower cake all on her own and growled at anyone who’d come near her. Zara had gotten it all on film. As she had said, “My mate is the historian, and this is definitely going down in history.” She’d told Bethany, who’d attempted to take the camera from the other she-wolf, causing a minor scuffle. The scratches had healed in a matter of moments.

But it was precisely because the celebration wasn’t perfect that made it perfect indeed.

“The kids are asleep.” Jen came into the living room, where the rest of the group was sitting. The house was a mess, but that lasted all of ten seconds as Peri snapped her fingers, and suddenly the mansion was as pristine as if a professional cleaning crew had come through and spent all day laboring.

“Having a high fae as a BFF is the best.” Jacque leaned back against Fane where they sat on the couch.

“The rest of us are chopped troll guts, you know.” Elle said dryly.

“No, but one of you is a butthead that likes to highjack Christmas trees and defile their decorations.” Jen looked pointedly at Adam. He and Crina sat on the floor, his back resting on the couch, while she sat between his legs with her back to his chest.

Adam grinned. “You’re just jealous that you couldn’t make a vagina-ball tree.”

“That’s wrong on so many levels,” Sally muttered.

“I think it’s poetic,” Peri said. “This whole shindig started with vaginas and balls. Might as well end with it as well.”

Sally shook her head. “I’m pretty sure you all have brain damage. How could you be so disturbed?”

“Or we’re just that awesome.” Zara grinned and gave her mate a high five.

“Yeah, we are,” Wadim agreed. “Tonight was awesome and will go down in history, literally, as one of the best Christmases this pack has ever seen.”

“Vasile and Alina would have been speechless by your thoughtfulness, Jennifer.” Sorin looked at the blonde who’d made it all happen.

Sally reached over and took Jen’s hand. She gave it a tight squeeze, and Jen’s eyes took on the glassy sheen of tears. “I couldn’t have done it without all of you.”

Jacque laughed. “You probably could have, but you wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun without anyone to boss around.”

Jen smiled as everyone chuckled, snorted, and added their agreements, but all with love shining in their eyes.

“Don’t we all have to go to bed so this Santa guy can show up?” Drake held his mate, who was completely passed out and snoring softly in his lap.

This time it was Elle who snapped her fingers. Beautifully wrapped presents appeared under the enormous tree in the corner. “Oh, look at that,” Elle said, her voice full of surprise. “That fat guy is fast.”

Sally gave her a thumbs-up. “That’s how you do it. New tradition: fae pack members handle present wrapping and Santa duty. All in favor?”

The room filled with “Ayes.”

Costin stood and swept Sally up into his arms. He looked around the room, his dimples on full display. “I love you guys. And this truly has been the best Christmas. The only thing that would make it better would be a happy ending.”

Sally covered her face as her skin flushed. “I’m going to kill you.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” He purred as he carried her from the room. “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! And by good night I mean—” Sally slammed her hand over her mate’s mouth before he could finish the comment she’d already heard through their bond. Laughter and deep voices of agreement were left behind as he walked to their suite.

When they reached the bedroom, he laid her down, checked on Titus, and then came back to help her undress. He climbed into the bed beside her and laid his head on her stomach, a contented sigh drifting from his lips.

“We could have stayed up a little longer.” Sally ran her fingers through his hair.

Costin shook his head. “You’re exhausted. You need rest, especially now.”

Sally smiled as she felt his joy rush through their bond. “I love you, Costin.”

His chest rumbled. “And I love you, Sally-mine.” He pressed a kiss to her stomach. “Both of you and our son.”

Chapter 12

“On the twelfth day of Christmas my werewolf gave to me twelve contractions, eleven dozen headless werewolves, ten Jen cakes,

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