A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,77

with laughter.” Fane looked next at Peri and motioned to her with his hand. The huge red curtain fell, revealing a wall of photos showing him and the other pack males in their reindeer outfits. Laughter rang out. When it died, Fane continued speaking. “And we will eat bizarre cakes that will make you blush and guarantee you will never let Jen have a cake made for you for any occasion whatsoever.”

“My cakes rock, Alpha. You’re just upset I didn’t use your family jewels for the inspiration for Bethany’s cake,” Jen called out.

A growl came from Decebel. “Whose did you use?”

“We don’t want to know where you got your inspiration,” Fane continued quickly. “You can keep that secret to yourself.” More laughter spread throughout the room. After a few moments, Fane held out his hand, which had been empty, and a glass appeared. A full wine glass now materialized in Jacque’s as well. She glanced over at Peri, who gave her a smirk.

Fane lifted the glass. “A toast,” he said, and everyone else lifted their own glasses, no doubt many of them provided by the handy high fae. “To our future, our children, our mates, ones discovered, and ones yet to be. I toast to my parents who have left an amazing legacy, and I toast to the Great Luna who has guided us and will continue to guide us as we move forward into the next chapter of the story of the Romania Grey Wolves.” The room filled with cheers of agreement. “Please, enjoy yourselves. Eat, drink, be merry, and know that the pack doors are always open to everyone here.”

The room filled with chatter as people began to move about. Laughter rang out when people began looking at the cakes that had finally been uncovered.

“Can I steal him for a bit?” Lilly asked. Jacque felt Slate being pulled from her arms and realized her mom had walked up beside her.

“Of course, just no more cookies,” Jacque warned.

Slate patted his grandmother on the cheek and proceeded to demonstrate all the words that Thia had taught him. Jacque sighed. Her mate’s arms wrapped around her from behind, and his mouth rested beside her ear. “I can feel them,” he whispered.

“Your parents?” She turned so she could look up into his beautiful blue eyes.

He nodded. “My mother’s joy, my father’s pride. I can feel them.”

Jacque felt her mate’s contentment coming through their bond, and she turned in his arms. She took his face in her hands and rose up on her toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “I feel them, too. I think we will always feel them. They are a part of us. A part of this.” She motioned to the surrounding room filled with their pack. “The positive impact they had on the world and those around them didn’t die with them. It will continue to live on, generation after generation.”

Fane pressed his forehead to hers, and Jacque’s breath fled her lungs at the jolt of emotion he sent her. “I can only hope that we will have the number of years together my parents did.”

She nuzzled his nose. “I’ve no doubt we will.” Neither of them brought up the fact that they only had a week left before the mourning period was over. Only a week before the other wolves would be knocking on their door for a chance to take Fane’s title. Those worries were not for tonight. Tonight was about pack, celebration, joy, and love. At the tail end of that thought, Thia ran past them with two wolf cookie heads held high in the air. “This Sparta!” she yelled.

“Costin!” Jen growled as she ran after her squealing daughter. “I told you not to let her watch that freaking movie.”

“My bad. I must have heard you wrong. Sorry about that.” Costin’s voice came from somewhere in the crowd.

“He’s totally not sorry.” Jacque chuckled.

“Not in the least,” Fane agreed.


It was well after midnight when the last few pack members headed out into the snowy night. Sally’s heart was so full of joy she was sure it was going to explode in her chest. The evening had not been perfect. She was pretty sure everyone had icing somewhere on their clothing thanks to the three wolf pups who had run amuck. And after a few fae cocktails, Adam had begun to mess with the Christmas decorations, including changing some of the ornaments on the trees to lady parts and transforming the festive balls into balls

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