Grave Signs - Ivy Asher Page 0,163

it, though?” Delta teases, and I can’t stop the giggle that comes out of my mouth.

Medley’s trill of laughter is quick to follow, and trying not to laugh pretty much makes both of us have to laugh all the much harder.

What Delta said must sink in, because Taz’s brow furrows and his head snaps to Nefta. “Did you fuck Luce?” he asks, both shocked and offended.

Nefta’s eyes widen in outrage. “Are you seriously asking me that as if it’s any of your business?”

“You did, didn’t you?” Taz accuses, and the two of them start arguing in heated haste.

I laugh and sit back in my chair, sipping on yummy demon spirits while listening to my parents argue about Satan’s taint.

Guess this dinner wasn’t so bad after all.

Delta’s amused eyes land on mine, and she raises a glass in silent toast. I lift mine and so does Medley, and we giggle as we drink.

“What do you say to meeting at the Hellgate tomorrow? See if we can finish resetting the thing once and for all?” Delta proposes over the cacophony of an escalating fight.

I look to my mates, and they all nod or shrug their agreement.

“I’m in. It’s probably better to get everything as fortified as possible while we can,” I agree, and my sisters nod like it’s a done deal.

I yawn, suddenly feeling tired, but I slap my sleepiness across the face because I have ravishing to do later. Ire scoots closer to me, and I lean against him shamelessly as I yell at my mind for trying to make me yawn again.

“So, did you have a nice time upstairs in the bathroom?” Ire asks quietly, leaning down so only I can hear him, his lips tilting up into a smirk.

I go still for a second, then sheepishly raise my face to look at him. “Uh, what?” I deflect.

He taps on my forehead with a wolfish grin. “I’m deep inside you, remember?” he purrs. “I could feel your pleasure.”

Just like earlier, embarrassment is ready to swoop in and color my cheeks. “Oh.”

“Yes. Oh,” he repeats. “Having to sense my mate being pleasured when I couldn’t join in was its own torture. But the fact that I was instead forced to participate in tactical battle talk with a boner while sitting next to my Matron was complete misery. So thanks for that.”

A laugh escapes me, and I look over to see that Vudu and Toreon are looking at us, looking quite smug. Ire tosses them a glare. “Upstairs at her Sire’s house? Really?” he whisper-scolds.

“You’re just mad you weren’t with us,” Toreon whispers back.

“Obviously,” Ire counters with a roll of his eyes before looking back down to me.

My grin turns into another yawn. Crap. Didn’t Delta say demon spirits had caffeine in it? I take another deep pull from my glass and snuggle up against Ire as he wraps an arm around me. “I’ll be sure to steal you from your Matron next time,” I promise sleepily as my eyes flutter closed against my will. Apparently, I find my parents’ bickering rather soothing.

“You better, Snarls,” Ire purrs into my mind as I rest my eyes for just a second. It definitely won’t be more than a second, because I have big ravishing plans later. “You better,” he repeats softly, and then I’m out faster than Nefta was when she brought up Satan’s taint.


I wake up with a start.

I was having one of those dreams where you feel like you’re falling and then you flinch awake with adrenaline hammering through you. I blink as my eyes adjust to the dark and I feel someone’s slow, steady breath as a chest rises and falls under my flat palm.

Like he’s responding to my second of distress even in his sleep, Vudu pulls me closer to him, and I nuzzle my cheek against the rough armor plating of his chest. He sighs and instantly relaxes, which I find adorable, and a smile stretches across my mouth as I close my eyes and try to fall back asleep.

I’m not even sure how I conked out so fast last night, but I was just so exhausted. I remember the guys slipping off my dress, but then they just put me into bed, and I fell right back to sleep.

My eyes pop open, and I look down. Yep, I’m only in my underwear. My naked breasts are pressed against Vudu’s chest, and I look behind me to see Toreon’s closed sage-green eyelids, his parted lips, and his hand hanging Copyright 2016 - 2024