Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,61

they’d been surprised that anyone other than them knew about the others. Grace knowing made them have to step up their game and end her. Grace wasn’t just a means to the money and other things they would get when they were all dead, but she was a liability too.

But, now, she was going to finish this. In fact, it had been with Ginny and Guinevere’s blessing to kill Grace first. She smiled when she thought of the conversation she’d had with them yesterday, marveling that they could as easily block out Guinnie as she’d been doing to them for all these years. Verrie stopped the limo that was to take Grace to the airport to pick up the bastard and thought about it.

“She knows how much, I wonder? I mean, does she know everything or just…fuck, when I think of all the shit she could know, it makes me want to find her and kill her right fucking now.” Verrie had been pacing in the filthy apartment they’d found in an abandoned complex. “She could know nothing, but she could know everything.”

Verrie had a long list of things that Grace could know. None of them very good. In fact, most of them would get her the chair or worse. She couldn’t stand the thought of being locked away for the rest of her life. They’d drug them all up and she didn’t want to think about not being able to have sex the way she’d grown to love.

“Any one of us could get into trouble if she knew only half of what we’ve done. Even you, Guinevere. Think of all the shit you’ve done to your precious little brats.” Ginny laughed when Guinevere huffed. “Oh you know that you hate them. Why the fuck else would you have named them such ridiculous names? And for as much as I want to fuck that son of yours, there ain’t no way I’m going to go to some institution for it. Fuck that shit.”

Guinevere huffed again. “I never wanted them in the first place. My Roscoe told me that I had to get in the family way and when they were born, they’d take care of us in our golden years. Now look. He’s dead and I can’t get my only son to provide for me. It’s all that money-grubbing whore’s fault; every single thing that has gone wrong can be traced back to her and her ways. I think we should just kill her and get it over with. No more fucking around with those girls. They’re pretty useless anyway.”

Verrie agreed, but she didn’t say anything. She was trying to make sure that Guinnie didn’t move in on their conversation. She didn’t feel her there and every time she’d asked the other two, they hadn’t either, but Verrie was sure the fucking shit had been listening. And now they had a plan. Take Grace out and, once she was out, get the rest of them at her funeral. They even knew someone who could make a bomb big enough to take out everyone at the burial. Bang! No more kids, no more grandkiddies and, best of all, no more issues.

She settled back to wait. Verrie had heard the guy on the intercom tell her, who he thought was the driver, that the miss would be out directly, to wait for her to come out. Sure, Verrie thought, and I’ll fucking tote her fucking ass out of here too. She looked down at the gun and knife on the seat. Yeah, I’m going to enjoy this.

The kid coming out was a surprise. Verrie had never seen this one before and realized he was probably the man’s brat. Michael Cunningham, she thought his name was, and grinned when she thought about the two for one she was getting. Then he simply hugged Grace and turned and went back into the house. She closed up the window between the seats and started the car again as soon as the door closed. They were pulling out of the long drive when Verrie’s phone went off. She simply slid the thing to go straight to voicemail.

Traffic was light this time of the evening she realized. Verrie knew from the conversation she’d had with the driver that they were going to the airport and that they were picking up some people from a private airstrip. Money again, and Verrie knew that if she had the time she’d take whoever got off the plane, cut them to Copyright 2016 - 2024