Grace Anne - By Kathi S. Barton Page 0,60

has split personalities. Several, as a matter of fact. I’ve been in cont—”

“Wait. You can’t just jump in like that and expect us not to have questions.” Quinn looked around the room as she continued. “We all know she’s a little off, but split personalities? The next thing you’re going to say is that she is the one who has been killing all the people surrounding us and has been the one who tried to have us kidnapped.”

“She is,” Payton said quietly. “We didn’t know about the personality disorder, but the rest, we figured it out a few days ago. She’s also the one who has been stealing the money from Alyssa and Cain’s account.”

Quinn got up and jerked away from Drew when he tried to pull her back. “No. She can’t have killed anyone. You’re wrong. If she is the one who… Oh my God, are you saying that she is the one who shot Payton, the one who tried to… No, I won’t believe it. A mother just wouldn’t do those things. Not to her own child.”

“You knew,” Sin said as she watched Quinn. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew what she was too and you didn’t say anything thing either.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Quinn said as she began pacing the room. “You’re all wrong. It was just a fluke of the lighting that’s all. I didn’t see anything.”

“I saw her too,” Jazzie said suddenly. “The day I was kidnapped from the restaurant. I remember thinking it was her, but I…she was different. More…aggressive, I guess. I remember thinking that she was younger looking and more put together too.”

“That would have been Ginny. Their names are Ginny, Guinnie, Verrie, and of course, Mother. Ginny is the thinker. She’s also the most organized. Verrie is violent. She is the one who murders, and Guinnie is…she’s a child. I would say if she hasn’t grown up over the years, she’s about ten or so.” Grace started to reach for a glass of tea and noticed her hands were shaking so she dropped them back in her lap. “I spoke to Guinnie more than the others. She’s the one who made me understand what was happening.”

“Maybe you should start from the beginning. Start with the first time you talked to…did you say her name was Guinnie?” Shamus grinned. “Their names, they’re all just variations on Guinevere’s, aren’t they?”

Grace shuddered. Yes, she knew that because Guinnie had told her that they were all a part of the whole so they had to share the one name. She looked up at her brother-in-law and began. “I was six and father had just beaten me with an orange race track thing that boys race their cars on. Mother was in the kitchen and…”

She talked until Michael called and said that he’d landed at the Columbus Airport.

Chapter 18

Verrie waited until the gates closed before she shot the driver of the limo. He was useless now anyway, so she simply opened the door to the limo on the way up to the main house and rolled him out. He was just one less person she had to deal with in a long line of fuck ups. Starting the limo again, she smiled at her good fortune.

She’d been trying to figure out how to get to the house and where they all were since yesterday. Cain and the money-grubbing whore had the place locked down like they had all of Fort Knox in there instead of a bunch of brats and her target. Time to fucking end this shit. She slowed as she approached the house and sneered at what Ginny thought of as the most beautiful house she’d ever seen.

The fucking others were starting to get on her nerves too. Especially Guinnie. That kid was the first order of business when this was over. She and the others had been pandering to her childlike stupidity since day one and it was time for her to grow up or shut the fuck up.

Verrie frowned when she thought about the things she’d found out yesterday. The simple fact that Guinnie had been telling on them to the girl, Grace, for all these years was bad enough, but her knowing that she was lying about the host scared her just a little. How the fuck did she know?

And how did she get to talk to the children when they hadn’t been aware? Verrie had asked the other two and, not only did they not know, but Copyright 2016 - 2024