Go Away, Darling - Alexis Anne Page 0,41

hit me was the scent of soap. After we made love we took a long hot shower together that ended in more pleasure for both of us. Then we passed out. Hard.

So it was a welcome scent filled with memories.

Then I realized I was cold and alone.

I sat up quickly, my head swimming so I had to stop and take a breath. Then I heard a crinkle. Looking down I realized there was a note on the bed beside me.


Sorry to leave but I have to get Linc to school. Thank you for last night.

And congratulations!!!!!



“Fuck.” I knew better than to think Olivia would still be here in the morning, that I could enjoy waking up beside her...or relive last night with her.

I scrubbed my face, found my phone, and dashed off a quick text.

I miss you and my bed is cold. Last night was the best night of my life, and I’m not talking about the game. See you soon. X

Then I ordered room service and tackled the text messages first. I smiled as I skimmed over the ones from friends and family, and opened the series from my media manager. She warned me last night that I’d have interviews starting at noon and she wasn’t lying. I had back to back interviews from noon until after dinner. All the sports channels, most of the baseball journals and apps, and local evening news. Then first thing in the morning I was booked into every national morning news show.

There were also media requests from Japan and South Korea.

And that wasn’t even dipping into the appearances or the parade. I knew winning would be exhausting, but damn. This was a lot.

There was a soft knock at my door that I assumed was room service. It was not.

“Knock! Knock!” Wes said in a falsetto. “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!” He pushed right past me and threw himself on my bed.

Erik shuffled in after him. “Sorry. But we were sent to make sure you were awake.” Then he glared at Wes. “Someone has no boundaries.”

Wes curled up in my sheets. “Ah! The fresh scent of stale beer, soap, and sex.”

I slammed the door. “Really?”

He shrugged. “You did, right? You finally sealed the deal with the world’s best photographer. A.k.a Hot Momma Extraordinaire. A.k.a. MILF of the Year.”

“Please, please never use any of those words ever again.” I even laced my hands together and physically begged.

Wes looked at Erik and then back at me. “What? All of it’s true!”

“You’re just so naturally an asshole you can’t see when you’re an asshole,” Erik grumbled.

Wes threw his hands in the air. “What? Olivia is super talented and super hot. And she’s a mother. Where am I wrong?” Then he turned to me. “We’re just super happy for you. On your big day you got to celebrate in all the ways. Right?”

I sighed because Wes was a force and there was no reasoning with him. He was like a tarpon on a hook, the more you fight him, the longer and harder he fights back. So I gave in. “Yes. Olivia and I had a celebration of our own last night. Happy?”

Wes beamed. “Yes. I am very happy for you!” Then he leapt out of bed and put me in a headlock.

Erik shook his head. “Anyway, no one had heard from you this morning so we were sent to make sure you were up and checking your schedule for today. The three of us have the same rotation so we can give you a lift if you like.”

“Yeah sure.” I grabbed the dress clothes set aside for today’s interviews. “I have breakfast coming up. Can you let them in while I get changed?”

Erik threw himself into the armchair in the corner while Wes took the rolling desk chair. “I think we can manage that.”

Twenty minutes later I was dressed, fed, and walking into my first round of interviews. I had just enough time left to send Olivia one last text.

Going to be crazy for the next couple of days. I’ll call when I can. Miss you. X

Then I steeled myself for the media circus. “All right. Let’s do this.”


Only if it’s you


It was weird to meet up with Summer and Linc after spending the night with Chris. Even weirder to return to our normal lives. The island almost felt foreign after the weeks of playoffs. For a small pocket of time we lived in another universe—one dominated by a drive for success and frosted over with my

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