Go Away, Darling - Alexis Anne Page 0,40

the door closed. No awkwardness. No questions. I met her, abandoning any plans I had to talk or whatever foolish nonsense I thought was right. This was a woman who needed kissing. Good kissing. And I was ready to provide.


She groaned as the kiss became painful. Her fingers tugged on my hair and she pressed her body against mine. My response was to tilt her head back and take her mouth, all while grabbing her thigh and pulling it to my hip.

We didn’t talk. Not really. Directions, names, sounds, that was it. Mostly it was a frenzied race to rip each other’s clothes off while trying to keep kissing and touching.

I shoved my hands into her jeans and finally—finally—cupped the ass of my dreams. It was firm and a perfect handful.

“Take them off. Take them off!” she said, but also ground against me so I couldn’t do anything except grip her ass harder and pull her against my erection. Then she growled with frustration and stepped away, pushing the jeans to the ground before launching herself back at me.

I am not complaining. The rest of our undressing was equally frustrating and simultaneously arousing. The push and pull of clothes felt good. The first contact of each inch of skin a momentary pause of shock before we resumed panting and grinding until we were finally naked.

From the moment the game ended I’d been chasing something to make me stop. Something to ground me. At first it was the pile on the field. I got trapped under at least ten other guys who all wanted to shake me, hug me, scream at me. But I liked it because it was all so overwhelming I needed to do all of the same things. Then it was beer and champagne, more hugging and high fiving and screaming and singing.

None of it slowed the adrenaline. I was floating, coming out of my skin, my heart pounding wildly.

Until Liv.

Yes our kisses were frantic but it was the only thing that felt real at this point. Her warm body, her soft kisses, her moans. I could focus on those and channel my energy into her.

My hands shook as I touched her bare skin for the first time. Not a slip under her shirt or over her bikini. This time touching was intimate because it was intentional and meant to bring pleasure. We’d seen each other in scraps of bathing suits dozens of times. It wasn’t like we were unfamiliar with our bodies. But this was entirely different.

I wanted Olivia. All of her. She was the home I was seeking when I came back to the island.

“You taste like stale beer,” she giggled as she kissed me, hands everywhere.

“So do you.” And I didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, I was pretty sure the smell was baked into every memory of today, and it was going to etch this experience into my mind forever.

I loved that Olivia couldn’t stop smiling. That there was no hesitation, no second guessing. We spent the last couple of months getting to know each other, and even though it was a weird, stressful time, I felt like I knew everything I needed to know.

I memorized her body with my hands because I couldn’t be bothered to stop kissing her long enough to memorize her with my eyes. There was time for that later.

“Yes, there,” she panted against my ear as I entered her. I froze, completely overwhelmed by the head to toe sensations washing over me. “More, Chris. Please?”

And how could I ever say no to her? Not now, not ever. So I began to move, our bodies combining into one, a feeling of completion filling me as I filled her.

“Oh, Liv,” I groaned, burying my face in the crook of her neck. Images of the day flashed through my mind. Standing on the field, throwing the first pitch, my last strike, celebrating...and then it all vanished into a black void. All I could hear was my heart pounding and Olivia’s gasps of pleasure, the taste of her salty skin mixed with our celebratory beer showers, the feel of her silky skin against my rough cheek.

Olivia coming for me.

“Oh my god, Chris!” Her arms and legs wound around me tight, her muscles locking and squeezing as she erupted in pleasure.

It overwhelmed me completely and I had no choice but to chase my own pleasure, to give myself completely over to the relief and the ecstasy.

I woke up blinking. The first thing that

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