Girls Night - Yolanda Olson Page 0,73

above the club doors was a beacon, attracting anyone and everyone to it. A single word, Vibe, lured people into the club, promising a night they would never forget.

Standing underneath that light was the six feet three guy, his face fierce, his muscles bulging. A warning not to fuck with him or anyone around him. They all knew him as the doorman, the guy they could rely on, the guy who wouldn’t stand for an ounce of shit. But I simply knew him as my loyal big brother. My protector. The one man in this world I could rely on.

I hadn’t even pulled into my usual space a little way down from the club doors when I saw him in my rearview mirror getting closer. Reaching into the footwell of the passenger side of my car, I grabbed my bag, praying I’d packed my favorite jeans to dance in this morning. I couldn’t remember what I’d picked out because yet again, I’d been in a hurry to make it somewhere on time.

“Haven,” Rush’s deep voice said as he opened the driver’s door, standing in the road.

“Rush,” I replied, in our usual greeting. We’d done it since we were little kids. At first it had been because we’d seen someone on a movie greet each other with just their name alone, and it had stuck. In the movie they’d been serious, their mouths stretched into straight lines and their eyes narrowed at each other. But when Rush and I did it, it was always with a smile on our faces.

He stretched his arm out, his giant hand coming into my car, and I didn’t hesitate to take it. “You’re not as late as usual,” he said, his lips pulling farther up on one side.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes, reverting back to the teenage version of myself. His deep laughter echoed on the street, causing several people to turn and look. Rush never failed to demand attention. The other doorman stood like a centenary at the left side of the door, and as we approached, he pulled it open. “Thanks.” I nodded, knowing I wouldn’t get a reply from the silent, brooding man who was nearly as big as my brother.

“I’ll see you inside around midnight,” Rush told me, his expression turning serious now.

“Okay.” I stepped inside but turned at the last minute. “Did you bring food for break?” My stomach rumbled as the words came out of my mouth and I cursed myself out for skipping my second break today just so I could finish work with enough time to spare.

Rush raised a brow and shuffled into his usual spot, ready to let people in. “What do you think?”

I slammed my hand onto my hip and fluttered my lashes at him. “I think that my awesome big brother brought extras with him because he knew his little sister would be starving.”

He stayed silent, staring at me, waiting me out. I knew his tactics, and I knew there was no way he wouldn’t have brought extra for me. “You’d be right.” He tilted his head toward the inside of the club. “Get in there. You only have fifteen until we open.”

My eyes widened. “Shit!” I hooked my bag higher on my shoulder. “Later, gater!”

Fate Dealing Its Blow


My head bobbed as the thrumming beats from the club echoed outside. I couldn’t quite make out the words, but I didn’t need them for my body to start swaying left to right. Sage chuckled from behind me, the sound a little on edge, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She didn’t do things like this, not unless I dragged her with me.

“What?” I asked, grinning at her over my shoulder.

“Nothing.” She smiled back and gripped onto Storm’s arm that was wrapped around her. He stood behind her, ever the protector, his gaze shifting around us.

I shimmied toward her, excited to be out of my house. If there was somewhere to be on a Friday, you could bet your ass I’d be there. Anywhere was better than trapped within the walls of my own personal hell.

“You ready to get your dance on?” I jerked my shoulders up and down in time with the beat.

“Thalia,” Sage said, pointing behind me. A quick look told me we were at the front of the line, but I didn’t stop my dancing as I halted in front of one of the huge doormen.

“I.D.,” he gruffed out, his face carefully straight, but I saw the quirk of his brow as I Copyright 2016 - 2024