The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,108

He had never felt so… so complete, so perfectly content, so entirely himself, as he did in this moment, and it was all because of Livvy. Oh, Christ…

“Livvy?” he pushed himself off her, belatedly realising he was crushing her into the mattress.

“Hmmmm,” she said, a pleased murmur that reassured him she was floating too.

She barely stirred as he withdrew and settled himself by her side, pulling her back into his arms. He spooned around her, nuzzling her neck, and she sighed.

“Are you well, love? I didn’t hurt you?”

A barely there shake of her head and another contented mumble was all the answer he got. King smiled, not above feeling a little smug. Not bad for her first time then, and now they would have plenty of time to practise. Practise did make perfect, after all. His hand slid to her belly, and he experienced a jolt of shock as he realised there might be child taking root there even now. Now, now, King, don’t get ahead of yourself. There was a deal to organise before they began their own brood. He would not be as heedless as Charlie had been, though granted he could understand the temptation well enough now. Perhaps he ought to have taken precautions this time too, but… but it had been the first time and he had wanted it to be perfect and… and it had been. He must hope that he had got away with it this once and be more careful until they were properly settled. Asking her to marry him would be a good start, he realised.

“Livvy,” he said, leaning over to look at her face. Her hair had fallen over her eyes and he smoothed it back again. “Livvy, darling. We need to talk.”

“Hmmmm,” she said, not opening her eyes.

“It’s important.”

He stared down at her, but there was not even a flicker of her eyelids.

“Livvy. I want you to marry me… I can’t go on without you, love. I won’t. I’ll find a way to make things right. I will, I swear but… but say you’ll have me, love. Please?”

King waited, his heart beating in his throat, until a soft snore made him realise he was not about to get an answer.

“Olivia Penrose, you are the most frustrating creature on god’s earth,” he said with a huff. “Of all the times to fall asleep.”

King listened to her breathing, slow and steady, remembering then that she’d been up since dawn and had hardly stopped all day. What a marvellous day it had been too, so full of joy and laughter, so full of Livvy. Well, let her sleep then. The morning would come soon enough, and then he would do whatever it took to make her his wife.

Chapter Twenty Two

26th December 1818.

No goodbyes, no fond farewells, but a startling revelation.

Livvy stared down at King. He was sprawled on his belly, dark hair a tousled mess, one arm flung across the mattress in the place she’d been laying just moments ago. She let out a ragged breath, drinking him in, engraving the sight of him on her mind. Last night was something she would never forget. That he had made love to her was still a surprise, a shock really, for she had thought he would not do so if… but it was of no matter. He loved her. They’d just got so carried away that… that he’d not stopped at the crucial moment. Oh dear. Something else not to think of. No doubt it was nothing to trouble herself about. Ceci was often pregnant, it was true, but it had taken them some months to conceive Harry. It would be dreadfully bad luck to fall pregnant the first time so she would not dwell on it.

She really must go. All her things were packed already, had been since before Christmas, so there were only a few bits and pieces to arrange, but she must wash and dress. Livvy sighed, wanting desperately to reach out and stroke his hair but not daring to disturb him. If he woke and came down to see her off, she could not keep her composure. She doubted she would leave at all. She would weep and cling to him and he would be honour bound to ask her to marry him, for everyone would guess and… No.

Her plans to marry another man might be ruined, but there was still her Aunt Agatha. If only she could get the woman on side. Just because Charlie thought badly of her Copyright 2016 - 2024