The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,107

moved towards her. “Oh!”

“Easy there, love,” he chuckled, gently pushing her back down onto the mattress. “I can’t wait any longer. I need…”

What he needed was evident as he settled between her thighs and Livvy’s eyes widened as she stared up at him. She had thought she would have to persuade him into making love to her, to cajole and wheedle and beg. Apparently not. What had changed his mind she did not know and did not care to ask in case he changed it back again.

“Will it hurt?” she asked him, a little nervous now despite everything.

“Perhaps a little,” he said, his voice soothing. “I’ll try not to cause you any discomfort, love. Relax if you can.”

Livvy smothered a laugh at the idea of relaxing when his straining member was hot and hard and sliding against the place where her body was throbbing insistently. She might well burst into flame at any moment, relaxing she wasn’t so certain of.

She closed her eyes and sighed as King’s mouth pressed to her throat, butterfly soft kisses moving over her skin. One large hand cupped her breast, and he ducked his head to take it into his mouth, suckling until she cried out in surprise.

“Like that, do you?” he asked, sounding dreadfully smug.

“I like all of it,” she admitted. “I like you.”

King did it again, humming with pleasure as he did so until Livvy thought she might pass out. “I’m pleased to hear it,” he murmured as he drew back, flicking at her nipple with his tongue and then looking up at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Are you relaxed yet? Please say yes.”

Livvy laughed, as was obviously his intention. “Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

Her laughter stopped abruptly as he grasped her leg, bending her knee and pressing his erection against the seam of her core. Her sensitive flesh responded at once to the press and slide as he sought entry and she jolted. King soothed her, kissing her deeply, caressing her body, easing his way inside with a gentle push and retreat that had her panting with a combination of pleasure and pain that her mind did not seem able to make sense of.

“Oh, God, Livvy, so… so perfect… just a little… a little more…”

“More?” she squeaked, a tad outraged as he stole her breath, and then he was fully inside her. He stilled, allowing her body to accept him. Livvy tried to steady her breathing, clutching at his big shoulders, concentrating on her palms gliding over his damp skin, moving down his body to grasp his buttocks and relish the feel of him so close, and then he moved.

“Oh!” she cried, her eyes flying open as he retreated and thrust home again, gently at first and then with increasing speed and force and he moaned, the guttural pleasure in the sound detonating something primal inside her that had her body squeezing around him. From the fierce sound he made King liked it when she did that, so she repeated it and he gasped.

“Don’t…” he said, his voice ragged. “Won’t last if you… Oh, Christ, Livvy.”

He kissed her and Livvy wrapped herself around him, delighting in this newfound pleasure, heart soaring as she held him close to her, to the place where he should always be. Thoughts of tomorrow, of how she would carry on without him, were all swept away as he loved her, with the startling combination of passion and tenderness that he gave her as he made her his. She would always be his. The realisation brought her back to herself for a moment, a shining beacon of clarity through the haze of desire. There was no way she could marry another man when she would always belong to King. Perhaps he felt the way her heart leapt at the realisation for he pulled back, staring down at her in wonder.

“I love you,” he said. “I love you. I need… always, Livvy, always…”

His body shuddered and jerked, and the coarse exclamation he uttered sent a thrill of pleasure singing through her. The delicious sensations he had brought forth earlier were back again, stronger and more insistent, sparks firing inside her, along her spine and gathering low and all at once her body was pulsing, squeezing, grasping at him as she held on tight and called his name as the world fell away.

King was floating… somewhere. His mind was bobbing along on a fluffy cloud of dazed happiness, warm and sleepy. His body was heavy, sated, utterly spent. Copyright 2016 - 2024